Forest Tour

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I finished Kagami's dress last night aswell as, the Villains line, yup, you guessed it, I didn't sleep again.

I changed into some jeans, then I got a crop top long sleeved camouflauge hoodie, then I got some black sneakers. I braided my hair today.

Luka, Kagami, Chloe are already ready and Juleka is changing, its already 7:21am.

We're going to the Wayne Forest (I made this up) today, the tour starts at 8:30, so we got plenty of time. Then we'll go to the Wayne Garden for another tour.

I went to my mini working station, then got my mini black packpack, I got my sketchbooks and pencils in there, knowing me, I'll get inspired right away, I also packed a jar of cookies and camembert for Tikki and Plagg and the Wayne's commissions, maybe I'll bump into them today.

"Marinette, let's go down now!" I heard Juleka yell.

Tikki and Plagg got in my bag.

We got to the lobby to see our class gone?

I went to the receptionist.

"Oh, they just left, something being late to a tour or something, here is a map, just inca- wait sorry, I need to answer this- Hello, yes this is Wayne Hotel, Receptionist Jade speaking" I just smiked at her.

"Looks like, Liar lied once again, the tour doesn't even start in a hour, plus they can't start without me"

I said to my friends. They weren't even sbocked at the news.

"Hey, atleast we know we're not in a rush, care for coffee?" Kagami said.

We just nodded at her.

We got to a near cafe.

"Hi, guys, what do you guys want?"

"A black coffee please" Luka, Juleka and Kagami said at the same time.

"Black coffee, aswell" Chloe said.

"I would like to have 2 teaspoon of cream and 8 teaspoon of sugar coffee please"

The waiter just nodded.

"Used to it?" Luka questioned

"Guessing" I answered back.

A few minutes later, we payed our coffee and got out but a man opened the door, the staff came. We stepped back at the sudden actions.


"Yes pls, Thank you"

The staff gave the man there coffee, he payed.

"Excuse me sir, can I have another one of the man ordered"

My friends rose their eyebrows, I just winked at them, I payed for it, then Chloe took it from me.

"Excuse me, sir, may I help you get to your destination, no offense but you look like a Zombie"

"I get that alot, thanks, I'm going to the Wayne Forest, since my Idiotic of an older brother left something"

"Perfect I muttered.

We escorted him, to the Gardens.

Dick's POV

I got to the forest at 8:12am, and when I got there, te teacher was arguing with the guard?

"Ma'am the tour, will start at 8:30 not 7:30, the email, we sent had all the information about it"

"But why won't you let us atleast let us sit!"

"Because, we won't give any attention to you, unless the student, Jagged Stone picked isn't here"

"But here she is! Lila Rossi!"

I scoffed, Lila Rossi? Who in the hell is that.

"Ma'am Lila Rossi, isn't the name we are given"

"Then what is it!"

"We are not allowe-"

"Marinette Bluette Dupain-cheng please, I apologise for my teacher's behaviour, also where is this man's brother? We met him in a cafe"

That is my signal to enter.

Marinette's POV

"Miss Dupain-cheng nice to meet you, Master Tim's broth-"

"Is here"

I turned to see an older man, about 20, I presume.

"My name Richard Grayson, but you can call me Dick"

I smiled at him, perfect! I have his commission-wait! If there brothers, then he must be Tim!

"Marinette, this is Tim, correct?"

He just nodded, I gave him, Tim.

"Also here is another large cup of his coffee"

"Thanks, Marinette"

"Also" I said reaching to my bag.

"Here are your commissions, from MDC herself, I'm one of her clients" I said giving him a bag.

"Oh! Umm, thank you, I'll pay later okay, right now, I have your class to tour" I just nodded at him.

I turned to my friends to see a smirk on their faces.

"Really? A client, come on Maribug, you can think better than that" Chloe said but in a low tone, so we're the only ones who can here it.

"Hey!'I replied.

"Class of Paris, Richard Grayson but you can call me Dick, I will be your tour guide, please follow me"

I ignored my classmates questions and decided to stay in the back.

"The Wayne forest is a forest that was made by Bruce Wayne, it is a forest filled with injured animals, they are still healing till today"

Dick's POV

As soon, as I started the tour, this brown haired girl, started to lie, and did I say lie? I meant LIE, she started to lie about knowing the Waynes, being Demon Spawns boyfriend, hell, she didn't even research! Damian? Shy? Nice? Complete opposite.

But what I did notice that the class was seperated. 5 students we're in the back, they are the farthest from us. They also looked like, they we're trying to avoid Liar here. They probably know about her lies.

The blonde haired girl and Marinette seemed to be nice, whenever we're near some dead flowers, they seem to make them alive once again.

"Okay, class!" I clapped my hands trying to get everyone's attention, whih succedeed.

"We are going to the area, where different animals are present, you also have permission to pet them"

We walked inside the area, and a squel was heard, I turned around to see a blonde haired girl go to a Gyraffe and pet it. Guess she loves animals.

I checked the group of 5 in the back and they are gone?!

"Where is Marinette and her group?" I asked a little bit concerned.

"Honestly, don't care, if they're hurt, they deserve it" An orange onbre haired girl said.

I was a little bit angry at that.

"I think they are over there" a gardener pointed out to the little pond bit.

"You may explore, just don't get in too much trouble"

A chorus of yeah, yeah yeah, and sure was all I heard.

I walked to the pond and was suprised in what I saw.

The blue-haired boy and girl was in the tree branch, they boy was strumming a guitar, with a Snake! and the girl was reading a book. The Purple haired girl was sitting on the tree's big root, with a Tiger! What! The blonde haired girl was beside the bee's nest, playing with them! Wait what! And Marinette was on the grass, her back layed in the big root the purple haired girl was sitting on, she had Ladybugs around her and 2 rabbits on her lap. Other animals was there aswell. What! How have the bees not sting the blonde yet! The tiger haven't attacked any of them, the snake was calm beside the boy and the other animals were calm.

There something about this class and group, and I will find out, I walked going to check on the rest of the class.

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