Operation: Save the Garden

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We finished Lunch and now we are heading to the garden. We walked outside, then turned a right, another right, 1 left, and another right. We enterd the garden, the garden was beautiful.

The different colored flowers looked beautiful in the sunlight, once they get hit by the sunlight the colors would look more vibrant. Some butterflies, bees and ladybugs would come by and take nectar from the flowers.

I also loved the look of Dick, when we're passing by some flowers that are dying and the gardeners are taking care of it, they would looked suprised, its funny honestly, I mean I would react the same if a dead flower healed was healed by a girl who did nothing but walk pass it.

The fruit trees are beautiful, some fruits we're already getting harvested by the gardeners, some we're just growing. The leaves would wave along the wind, making the trees look alive.

This garden is beautiful, *sigh* Nature is beautiful.

My thouht were cut off by the sounds of gushing water.

"And this is the mini waterfall, you can sit there by the benches to hangout or it under a tree, the tournhas ended you can stay as long as you'd like"

My class sat in the benches under the tree for some shade while me and my friends stayed looking at the mini waterfall.

There was just something off, its on the tip of my tounge. The water looks beautiful so it can't be that, unless... I walked closer to the water, it had fishes and different variety of plants in it, so it can't be that.

"Can you see it?" Juleka questioned


"What is it?" Kagami asked

I don't know Kagami, I'm trying to find it aswell can't you see-note the sarcasm in my thoughts

"Everything is so beautiful but there's somehing off" Luka said.

I agree, the vines looked natural and it was placed expertedly, so it can't be any of that. The plants that are surrounded are also beautiful, so what's wrong with it?

"What's wrong with i-" my question was cutted by Chloe pointing behing the waterfall and beetween the trees.

We walked to the direction, we passed the waterfall and walked beetween the trees, they we're also Bird's nests in the trees. When we got out I was shocked by the site.

The flowers are mostly dead, and the tree's are losing their leaves, the water was blurry, but how? This is the other side of the waterfall, so why is it blurry? Did the gardeners gave up, on taking care, or is this a secret garden?

Mmh, maybe, just maybe.

"You guys thinking, what I'm thinking?" I said.

"Operation: Save the Garden is a go!" Chloe exclaimed.

Luka, Juleka and Kagami went straight to the water, if the water is clear then why are the plants mostly dead.
Chloe went to the trees, the trees are losing its nutrients but why?
I went on and saved the Flowers.

Timeskip about 21 minutes later

"The water has vinegar mixed into it!" Luka screamed.

"Than we can seperate it, here Tikki made them!" I said throwing them some powder, I don't know what it does, but Tikki said it seperates Chemicals that are mixed into water.

"Thanks!" Kagami replied.

"The Trees are dehydrated and the soil doesn't give much nutrients, but don't worry I already watered them, we just need to put some fertilizers in" Chloe said.

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