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minghao was peacefully sitting on the park bench, closing his eyes, under the big tree and listening to some instrumental music which puts him to peace. just a little sunlight, fresh spring breeze and music of his taste can be a healing for him.

every after school he would make time to go here, in the park just to experience these things, and besides he doesn't have anything to do at their house or even someone to talk to, so he could actually have all the time he wants.

when he felt that maybe he has already been there for too long, he first slowly opened his eyes to adjust to the brightness of his surroundings, when he finally did he was about to turn on his phone to check the time but flinched when he saw a girl sitting beside him with her face very close to him, she was smiling with her dilated eyes while staring at his pretty face and doesn't seem to know that minghao was staring at him and they're eyes were already in contact.

but minghao furrowed his brows when he felt his heart pounding for some unknown reason, the eyes of the girl he's staring at seems really familiar to him that he found himself not breaking their eye contact for some time.

without them two knowing, the wind started to blow more that countless gingko leaves started to fall around them.

'are you that girl again?'

"how i wish that you're really looking at me...", the girl said under her breath and sighed after.

"i am... looking at you..."

her eyes widened when she heard minghao's reply, and she knew that it was for her. there wasn't alot of people around nor was he talking to his phone so there, she knew that he was actually talking to her and staring right to her eyes.

minghao waved his hand right infront her face when he already felt uncomfortable by her long stares, while she was still puzzled by the sudden miracle, for her, that happened.

"c—can you really s—see me?", she pointed herself and raised her brows.

"am i not allowed to?", he pursed his lips and also raised a brow.

"n—no, i—it's not that, j—just—"

"why do you look so flustered?"

"e—even if i t—tell you, you won't believe me."

"why? is it a crime for you if someone would look at you or can see you?", his voice didn't sound sarcastic nor joking but instead it sounded like he cared, that somehow he wanted to know more of her. she smiled at him which cause the right corner of his lips to twitch.

'for months i've never felt this way again, the feeling of being delighted just by knowing that someone actually see's me...'

Lost Souls | Xu MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now