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"why are you still wearing your uniform?", minghao asked while looking at her from head to toe.

'i don't know either.'

"i—uh i have extra classes."

he just nodded while pouting and looked back infront again. it has been two weeks since that day minghao got into an accident and also the day she saved him.

for those days, they would both gradually meet most of the afternoons, she was the one who always call for him, and he would just instinctively follow or talk to her.

and without realizing it he became fond of meeting her, not only because it was out of pity that she always comes to him, but making sure of the fact that he knows that it was her who saved him from his near death experience.

they both enjoyed the cold spring breeze that brushes through their skin, the sun that is near to it's set and the kids playing around with bright smiles on their faces.

minghao realized that there was more beautiful and great things in this world than he imagined, and he regretted not finding it sooner.

when the sun started to set, minghao decided to go first, she didn't initiate first as she has no home to go to or even a small shelter to hide under.

that night, she went to the hospital to maybe find answers that she has longed to be answered, for even just a bit, she wished to remember something, anything even if it's a bad one.

she just looks at the girl lying on the bed and the lady beside her, her stares looks blank but her mind was full of questions, the same questions that she had for days.

"excuse me?", a little girl came behind her, but she disregarded it as she thinks that they were just people talking to one another behind her, she'd always hear people beside, behind and even walk past her body that she already got used to it.

"excuse me?", the little girl pulled her blouse this time that made her look at the girl in surprise.

"y—you can s—see me?"

"yes.", the girl nodded her head and smiled.

'weird, first it was minghao and now this little girl?'

"w—why? i—i mean how?", she raised her brows and the little girl just looked at her confusedly.

"you're a ghost right?"

"yes, but how did you know?"

"i'm a ghost too. i knew you were one because i saw people just walk past you.", her statement made my heart break. she's still young to be like this.

"would you like to follow me?", the girl asked her and lended a hand for her to hold.

'should i follow her? but where will she take me? maybe in the after life? but i don't want to go yet. there's still a lot of things that i need to solve here...and minghao.'

Lost Souls | Xu MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now