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"minghao!", she shouted at the top of her lungs but minghao didn't hear her as both of his ears were covered with his earphones.

"xu minghao!!", she shouted even more but he still couldn't hear, she was facing minghao's back which is why he didn't see her. he was walking way ahead of her that she had to run for her to be able to catch up to him. she gently tapped his back, making him confusedly look behind, he took one of his earphones when he finally saw her.

"why? how did you follow me all the way here?", he raised both of his brows at her while she was just brightly smiling at him. they were both at the street beside the road, and minghao was on the way home from school.

"where are you going? aren't you going to the park?"

"are you a stalker? how did you know that i'm going there everyday?", her smile faded when minghao was slowly furrowing his brows.

"no... it's just that i always see you there, so...", she looked down at her shoes.

he looked at her for some time before replying."okay.", minghao brought back his earphones to his ears and started walking away.

"where are you going?", a smile secretly crept on his face as he lower the volume of his phone.

"i'm going home!", minghao raised his hands on the air and waved it but still with his back facing her.

"minghao.", she whispered on his ear causing him to flinch.

"you almost gave me a heart attack.", minghao held his chest."you almost sounded and felt like a ghost a moment there."

'a ghost...'

"you really are a stalker, aren't you?, how did you know my name?", he raised a brow.

she walked around to sit beside him on the park bench with her pursed lips while minghao was following her with his stares.

"you're always wearing your nametag.", she pointed the nametag that's been pinned on his uniform. "and didn't i tell you the other day that i always see you here?"

"then how come i didn't see you?", she literally panicked inside when he dropped that question.

'even until now you weren't supposed to see me... and until now i still don't know how...'

"m—maybe you weren't just observant by your surroundings.", he just nodded thinking that she was right for some point because everytime he comes here, he would always wear his earphones and close his eyes.

"minghao!", minghao saw her from afar, waving her hands in the air constantly with a bright smile.

at that time the wind started to blow causing all the leaves to scatter around the street, and multiple thoughts started to take over his mind.

'who are you?'

'how do you know me?'

'why did you suddenly came into my life?'

she started to walk closer to him, her hair being blown by the wind, but she still had that smile that for him was very familiar.

he is sure that she was that girl who saved him from his near death and the owner of those pair of eyes that he saw back at the hospital, but for him it seems like he knew her for a long time, as if he has already known her way more earlier than this.

'why do i find everything about you so familiar?'

Lost Souls | Xu MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now