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his parents told him everything, they believe that he deserves to know everything as it was his.

minghao didn't show any act of being surprised nor sadness, he just listens diligently to every word his parents are saying.

after knowing everything, she came into his mind.

"what about the girl who was with me? do you know her?"

"y—you mean lu qui?", his mom's voice trembled.

"yes. actually, i've met her countless times.", his parents faces turned haunted.

"y—you met h—her?", minghao just nodded. "but she's in the hospital... and on a coma...", minghao's face immediately shifted.

"w—what? b—but i really met her.", minghao doubted his parents and also himself.

'if she's in a coma, then why did i meet her constantly?'

minghao's parents together with him went to the hospital. they went to her unconscious ventilated body.

the moment minghao step foot inside her room, his chest tightened and had uncertain feelings.

"good evening, ma'am.", minghao greeted the lady who was beside the bed where she is lying. the middle aged lady greeted him back and so are his parents.

his feets became heavier as he was getting near her, and when he did, tears formed in his eyes.

'it's really her.'

he bit his lower lip just to prevent his tears from falling.

'she still looks the same; thin, pale, and the only difference is that she's not smiling brightly anymore.'

everything is starting to make sense for him now. why she wasn't hospitalized on that second accident because she already was. why she asked him if she can see him because no one was able to. why that little boy asked him if who was he talking to that day. why she thought that life is a bit unfair.

one by one his tears started to fall, he doesn't care whether his parents were looking at him being weak. though he's not sure why he turned out like this, he just wanted to feel his true feelings.

seeing her like this didn't cross his mind ever. he wanted her to keep her warm bright smile that even outshines the sun.

'don't leave just yet, okay?'

on a cold night, grey clouds were covering the bright twinkling stars. people were wearing thick layers of clothes, but she was just wearing a hospital gown and a blanket above her.

the cardiac monitor started beeping, as the numbers on it decreases.
the moment her mother heard it, she called for help.

the doctor positioned the defibrillator on her chest. "clear!", the doctor declared. the electric current passed through her heart causing a sudden jolt to her chest.

the doctor glanced at the monitor but there were still no changes. "clear!", the defibrillator sends a high energy electric shock to her heart again, but nothing still changes instead her heart rate was decreasing more rapidly that anyone could already lose hope.

her body was ventilated for many months. she was unconscious but her soul wasn't. she wandered as a soul and met him, minghao whom she has always liked.

he's now living peacefully because of her but she's showing signs of leaving.

a tear left her eye, and rolled down her cheeks.

if it's not in this life, i hope to be a ghost again, but if i won't, i'll just have to look for you again in the next life.


              The End.

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