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she decided to follow her to wherever, even if it's maybe in the after life, she just thought of following her fate.

They stopped in an unfamiliar hall, unlike the one where that familiar girl, for her, is, this hall they're in now was brighter, and unlike there, every room here has a big window that can let you see everything inside even if you're sitting on the waiting chairs.

the girl let goes of her hands and motioned her to follow, they walked closer to the glass window and witnessed a scene that broke her heart even more.

there was a doctor checking a thin, pale girl that looked like the little girl she's with.

"that's me and those are my parents.", the girl innocently said and pointed those people she was referring to.

there were three nurses that is assisting the doctor, and the girl's parents were praying and crying for their poor child.

suddenly the cardiac monitor started beeping, they all panicked, the doctor started to revive the patient but it was no use when the line already went flat.

the girl's mother almost fell but fortunately her husband caught her, but her cries won't stop instead it became louder.

the doctor looked at his wrist watch in disappointment, and stated,"patient xia meiyi, age of 7, time of death: 7:28 pm."

she looked at the little girl just quietly standing beside her but not removing her eyes from the horrible scene infront of them.

she's so young and innocent that she doesn't completely understand what's going on right now.

she bit her lower lip to prevent her tears from going out just to not let the little girl see any more sadness. she crouched and held the girl's hand softly. the girl looked at her and smiled.

"mom and dad are really sad, i want to go and hug them.", she caressed her hair and smiled.

"will i not see them anymore? i will really miss them."

"why are you crying?", the girl asked when she saw her, she quickly wiped her cheeks and shook her head.

"i—it's nothing.", she pursed her lips and looked down as her tears started to fall more.

'i can't take this. how can a horrible thing happen to her like this?'

the little girl looked back inside the room again and touched the window pane with her small palms.

"mom? dad?, where will i go?", the girl started caressing the cold glass while looking at her devastated parents who just lost a precious child.

she couldn't bare to look at the little girl who is sadly and innocently staring at her parents who are filling the room with their loud cries.

"goodbye, mom and dad! i wish you will have another daughter that is healthy unlike me, so you won't have to cry like this anymore.", she brightly smiled but sadness filled her eyes.

'the sad reality about life is that you'll always end up saying goodbye to the people you adored the most, it's sad but no one can help it.'

Lost Souls | Xu MinghaoWhere stories live. Discover now