Maria Baker

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Name: Maria Baker.

Nicknames: she doesn't have any.

Birthday: 1ST February 1975

Zodiac: Aquarius

Age: 46.

Looks: Dark red hair, bright blue eyes, dark skin tone, slim, stands 5.3 feet.

Family: Brother David, Sister in law Emily, Nieces Alaska, Glacier, Lillian and Kathrine, nephew Bruno, son Ben, daughter Chloe, husband [dead] Romeo.

Hobbies: homeschooling, teaching spanish, childminding.

Sexuality: Straight.

Partner: Romeo Castileo. But whent back to Baker after his death.

Likes: Dogs, her nieces and nephew and children.

Dislikes: Brutality, hurrasment, racism.

Pets: none.

Friends: not sure.

Enemies: Emily Baker.

Nationality: Spanish and British.

Health Issues: none.

Backstory: Maria was the second born after her Brother David at a tricky time. David was suffering from very bad bullying and was suffering with anxiety. The young girl helped her brother when she turned one and supported him through it.

When they got transfered to Britain in 1992, both went to Ottershead highschool where David met William Harrison, Diana Cadence and Emily Baker, as well as Arianna Oakson. That was where they clashed. Maria tried to support David with his anxiety but failed. Then they got separated when they were adult.

Extra Information: Maria takes Alaska on when Emily tried to kill her on her and Glacier's seventh birthday.

Theme Songs:

Doesn't have any because she's not a big role.

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