Kyla Winters.

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Name: Kyla Winters.

Nicknames: doesn't have any.

Birthday: August 1ST 1962

Zodiac: Leo.

Age: 47.

Looks: straight brown hair, pale green eyes, stands 5.6 feet, pale skinned.

Family: No birth kids, Georgia wife, adopted daughter Raven.

Hobbies: foster caring.

Sexuality: Lesbian.

Partner: Georgia

Likes: reading.

Dislikes: bullying.

Pets: doesn't have any personally.

Friends: David, Bera, William

Enemies: anyone against the LGBTQ+

Nationality: British.

Health Issues: anger issues.

Backstory: Before she fostered Raven and Elisabeth, Kyla worked in City Poem school where Glacier, Annabelle and Elisabeth all went. She then adopted Raven and fostered Elisabeth until she started Mill Brook.

Extra Information: she was angry at Elisabeth when she accidentally killed her niece.

Theme Songs:
Doesn't have any.

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