Freya Johnson

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Name: Freya Johnson

Nicknames: Evil.

Birthday: 28 March 1998

Zodiac: Ares

Age: 15.

Looks: dark brown straight hair, evil black eyes, stands 5.4 feet.

Family: mother and faither. No siblings.

Hobbies: nothing but bullying people.

Sexuality: straight.

Partner: does not have one.

Likes: skipping class, smoking and other things.

Dislikes: people.

Pets: none.

Friends: Hope Saunders.

Enemies: Glacier, Elisabeth and others.

Nationality: British.

Health Issues: none.

Backstory: Freya was a homophobic person from the start. Her parents were supportive of the community and took her to a lot of eveents. One day a girl walked up to Freya stating that she was pretty. But Freya spat at her face.

Extra Information: she hates everyone that is not straight.

Theme Songs:

Evil — Dove Cameron

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