Bera Bailys.

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Name: Bera Grace Bayleys.

Nicknames: doesn't have any.

Birthday: 11 February 1964.

Zodiac: Aquarius

Age: 47.

Looks: curly blond hair, brown eyes, pale skin, stands 5.4 feet.

Family: Daughter Phoenix, husband Leo, foster kid Elisabeth.

Hobbies: acting.

Sexuality: Straight.

Partner: Leo Bayleys

Likes: looking after children, singing, acting, Disney, musicals.

Dislikes: Bullies, mean people, child abuse,

Pets: a puppy called Cookie.

Friends: Leo, David, Arianna, Kyla.

Enemies: Emily, the Vicle siblings and Diana.

Nationality: British.

Health Issues: Depression.

Backstory: Bera was born in a family that fostered children and animals. She went to school with the foster kids and helped them a lot. When she grew up, she worked in Ottershead orphanage where she met Elisabeth, Raven, Luna, Freya Cassidy and a lot more.

Extra Information: Bera fostered Elisabeth for four years and helped her with her depression before Leo's death.

Theme Songs:

Doesn't have any.

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