Chapter 2, The Party

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I opened the front door and entered with Julie following behind me, and quickly leaved the jackets there when we heard Harry coming downstairs. "Babe I was thinking we could make a quickie one before everyone comes." He said not still seeing us and when he finally was in front of us and saw Julie there too looked at me speechless. "I mean, we could make a cake." He said and Julie and I started to laugh. "Don't worry about me, you can go to the bedroom and have sex while I watch the TV here." She said laughing and I punched her shoulder with my fist. "Julie, how are you?" Harry said hugging her. "Good. Uh... can I use your bathroom?" She asked and Harry pointed to the bathroom and she went, quickly Harry turned to me and pecked my lips. "What is she doing here?" He asked me laughing and I took his curls off from his face. "Apparently she's staying a couple of days with me since she decided to argue with dad." I said and he just laughed and put his curls on a bun. Then I walked to the kitchen and Harry followed me. "Liam has called me and he's coming in 30 min." He said and I turned to him and nodded. "Did the pasta taste good?" I asked and he looked at me confused. "What?" he asked and I laughed. "I know you've tasted it, you have sauce on your lips." I said and he started to laugh. "Got caught..." He said and I nodded and took off the sauce from his lips as he approached me with his hands on my hips, and slowly, I pushed my lips to his in a sweet and slow kiss. As we separated and looked into each other, he pecked my lips again and smiled. "I love you." He whispered and I smiled and pecked his lips again and hugged him.

We heard the front door and turned to there but Julie was faster than us and opened the door. "Hiiii! Uh... hi?" We heard Niall said and Harry took my hand and we walked to there to see him. "Hi! I'm Julie, Emily's sister." She introduced herself to Niall and Niall just smiled and shook her hand. "Niall. Nice to meet you." He said and then he saw us. "Hey" He said to us and came to us. "I've bought this." He said showing us a liquor bottle. "Cool." Harry said and leaved the bottle on the fridge. "I didn't knew your sister was coming." Niall said to me as Harry was coming back from the kitchen. "Me either." I said laughing and Julie came to us. "So... How old are you?" Niall asked and Julie smiled. "18" She said and I looked at her with a disgusting look. "17" I said and she looked at me and showed me her tongue. "I'll have 18 in 8 months." She said and I started to laugh. "You've just said it now, in 8 months. Till then, you're still having 17." I said and we all started to laugh and she rolled her eyes. "Teenager" Harry said and put his arm around my shoulder to approach me to him as I was still laughing. We heard the front door again and this time was Niall the one who opened the door and we saw all the other lads and some other friends coming. "My girls!" I yelled as I saw Eleanor and Sophia coming to me. "Hey busy girl. How have you been?" Eleanor said as she hugged me. "Busy" I said laughing and Sophia hugged me too. "I don't like your new busy life." Sophia said and we started to laugh. "Tomorrow afternoon shopping, remember?" She said to me and I nodded. "Where is Perrie?" I asked confused. "She's still in the recording studio... she will come later." Zayn said and I nodded. "ehem." I heard Julie said. "oh, sure." I said and I took her arm to approach her to us. "El, Sophia, she's Julie, my sister." I said and Julie smiled and shook her hands. "They are Louis and Liam's girlfriends." I said and they both smiled.

The party was going great. Julie was talking with everyone, she never had problems to introduce herself to everyone and talk about everything. By now, we were all in the living room with music and drinking. I was in the couch, sitting on Harry's lap as we were sharing the drink. He took my hand and saw the scratch. "Mr. Cheese?" He asked laughing and I nodded. "I don't know what's going on with him..." I said and he laughed. "I think he's mad with you cause' you're staying here at my home a lot of days." He said and I nodded. "It's true. I should stay there with him more often." I said and he kissed my neck. "Or you should bring him here and move here with me." He said and I looked at him. "Or you should come someday to my flat and not stay here all the time." I said and he giggled. "Why are you always trying to ignore me when I'm asking you to move here with me?" He asked and I smiled. "Cause' I don't want to live here with you yet. I have my flat and I like to live there alone." I said and he laughed. "And don't you want to live with me? We are a good couple." He said and I pecked his lips. "I would someday, but by now that we've been dating just for 4-5 months I don't think it's a good idea." I said and he laughed and pecked my lips again. "ok, I'll come more often to your flat." He said finally and I just smiled and kissed his lips. Then we turned to see what everyone was doing and I saw Julie sharing a drink with Niall. "Heeeey!" I yelled and I ran to her and took the drink. "What..?" I said smelling the drink. "Hey!" I yelled. "C'mon Emily..." She said and I shook my head. "You're 17!" I said and they all started to laugh. "When was the first time you got drunk?" Julie asked me. "That's not the point." I said and she took the drink again. "Tell me." She said and I looked at everyone that was staring at me. "At 16" I said and everyone started to laugh as I came back to Harry's lap. "That's not cool to see my little sister getting drunk in the same party as me..."

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