Chapter 6, Wedding tears

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-Harry's pov.-

I looked at my phone and I read Grace's message where she was telling me her address. I drove to her place and she quickly came into my car. "Happy Birthday." I said kissing her cheek and she smiled. "Thanks Harry." She said. "oh, here." I said giving her the present I bought. "I hope you'll like it." I said and she smiled and took the present and started open it. "Oh Harry! It's wonderful!" She said looking at the beautiful handbag that Emily chose. "Do you like it?" I asked and she nodded. "I didn't know you had such a good taste in handbags." She said laughing staring at me. "Yeah, me either." I said laughing because of the situation. Quickly we saw a flash coming to us. "Paparazzi again" She said and I nodded so I let her peck my lips. Then I started the engine and I drove to the private club where the party was. As we entered to the club, a lot of people came to us and started to say Happy Birthday to Grace and she introduced me to her friends. We had to make our job and fake that we were happily in love. "So this is really new for us! Grace you never told us you were hanging out with Harry!" one girl said. "Yeah... it's been a secret until now..." Grace said and looked at me. "We meet in a party and... that's when all started." I said and I put my arm around Grace's shoulders. God, I could win an Oscar... "So... you are officially together?" The girl asked and Grace looked at me and I nodded. "Yes, we are." Grace said. After make people believe that we were truly in love, finally I got home... It was going to be a long week...

I was in a deep sleep when I felt something touching my cheek, so I turned and I opened my eyes. "AAAAAH!" I yelled when I saw Niall beside me touching me. I quickly pushed him and he fell down the bed and he started to laugh. "Fuck Niall!!! How did you entered to my house!?" I said and he stood up still laughing. "You gave me keys last year." He said and I rolled my eyes and I stood up. "And what are you doing here?!" I said looking at him. "Why are you naked?" He asked me and I looked into my parts and then at him again. "I always sleep naked." I answered and he laughed. "Cover yourself, c'mon." He said and I put my boxers on and then looked at him and I saw him coming to me and hug me. "Happy Birthday mate." He said and I started to laugh. "You came here just to wake me up and say me Happy Birthday?!" I asked laughing. "I wanted to be the first." He said and we started to laugh. "C'mon, dress yourself, we're going golfing. It's the best way to celebrate that you're 21." He said and I looked at him confused. "Niall I'm supposed to stay with Grace today." I said and he rolled his eyes. "You'll see her later, c'mon." He said and I nodded. "ok... let's go." I said and I opened my dressing room to take my golf clothes, but I quickly turned myself to Niall. "wait, where I'm going to see her later?" I asked and Niall started to laugh and left. "I'll wait for you downstairs." He said and I started to laugh. "Niall is the worst person to keep something as a surprise..." I whispered by myself thinking that maybe they were making me a surprise party. I dressed myself and then we went to golfing.

"Harry mate, are you ok?" Niall asked me and I looked at him and nodded. "You didn't enjoy playing golf mate?" He asked me and I looked at him as I was opening the front door of my house. "Yes yes, it's just..." I said thinking that in all the day Emily didn't called me to say me Happy Birthday. "It's just that... nothing." I said and Niall clapped my shoulder and got inside the house. "C'mon, let's get ready. Can I shower in your gest bathroom?" He asked me and I nodded. "But hey, what are you going to wear?" I asked confused. "I have clean clothes on my bag." He said showing me his bag. "ok." I said and then I made my way upstairs to get ready. As we finished, we took Niall's car and he drove to some place I didn't knew. "So?" I asked and he looked at me confused. "C'mon Niall. The party." I said and he started to laugh. "how do you know it?" He asked. "Cause' you're the worst person to keep something as surprise." I said and we both started to laugh. "At last make people believe that I've done my job so good." He said as we got out of the car and I hugged him. "Thanks mate." I said and then we entered to the place. "SURPRISE!" Everyone yelled. Everyone was there, my friends, my band mates, my family, people from our management, our musicians, also Grace, but there was one person that I didn't saw... and currently the one I wanted most. Everyone started to hug me and say to me Happy Birthday. We were dancing and having fun when my mum came with Grace. "Harry sunshine, you didn't introduce me to Grace." She said. "Uh... yeah... It's just... we're starting kind of a relationship." I said wrapping her close and then she pecked my lips and walked away and my mum hugged me. "I hope you'll come at home next week and tell me what's going on here cause' I don't believe you." She whispered on my ear and I looked at her and nodded and kissed her cheek. "I love you mum" I said and she nodded. "I love you to baby." She said. "Anne! Can I take your son for a moment? I need him to help me in something." Niall said and put his hands on my shoulders. "Sure." Anne said smiling and then Niall made me walk.
"Oh! Julie! What are you doing here?" I said as I saw Julie when Niall turned me and quickly Niall wrapped her close and kissed her cheek. "oh." I said smiling. "Happy birthday" Julie said hugging me. "Thanks Julie." I said. "So... I was going to tell Harry to help me with some stuff in my car, right?" Niall asked to Julie and she started to laugh and nodded, so I looked confused at Niall. "What we have to do?" I asked confused. "To take some stuff for the party." Niall said and I nodded so we walked to the parking under the building where he parked his car before. "Can you just go? I have to call someone and there I can't" He said and I rolled my eyes and took his car keys. "God Niall... you're making me work on my birthday party..." I said as I made my way to his car. "Where are that stuff?" I asked as I was almost on his car, no one was in the parking. "On the back seat." He said and I opened the door and then I saw her there. "Happy Birthday" She said and I smiled and then looked at Niall that showed me two thumbs up. "I'm going to cover you for 30 minutes." He said and I nodded and got inside the car and closed the door. "you're here!" I said and she quickly hugged me. "Happy birthday babe!" She said and climbed to my lap. "God... I thought you forgot it..." I said and she kissed my lips. "How can I forget my boyfriend's birthday?" She said and I hugged her and kissed all over her face as she started to laugh. "Now my birthday it's perfect!" I said and she smiled. "How is the party?" She asked. "It's so good but it would be better if you could come with me." I said and she kissed my lips again. "Wait... how does Niall...?" I asked and she smiled. "I told to Julie everything and she told it to Niall... They've promised me that they are not going to tell anything to anyone. I hope you're not going to get mad with me for this..." She said and I just smiled and kissed her again. "Of course not babe. God! I love you!" I said and she hugged me "I love you too my curly haired man." She said kissing my neck.

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