Chapter 3, The interview.

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"Mr.Cheeseeee." I said showing him one of his gummies. He rolled himself on the floor for me to touch his tummy and I just smiled and gave him the gummy. "good boy!" I said and then I heard the sound of intercom. "Uh?" I whispered and I stood up and took the intercom. "Hello?" I said. "Someone has ordered pizza?" I heard. "Uhhh no." I said. "Uhhhh, yes." He said and then I laughed. "Come up." I said laughing and one minute later I heard a knock on my door and I opened to see those green eyes staring at me, and then I saw that he was holding a pizza box. "Someone ordered pizza." He said and I just laughed and opened at all the door for him to come in as he pecked my lips. "Why you didn't tell me you were coming?" I asked and he leaved the pizza box on the couch and took off his jacket. "Surprise" He said as he sat down and turned on the TV and opened the pizza box. "hmmmmm Cheese." I said smelling the pizza as I sat down beside Harry and he gave me a piece of pizza. "Thanks." I said pecking his lips. "Guess what" He said smiling and I looked at him confused. "Guess who have an interview tomorrow in your TV program." He said smiling and showing me his mobile screen. "Cool!" I said. "The interview is at 11am. Are you going to be there?" He asked me. "Hmmm... I don't think so... I'm working on the cinema section these days." I said. "Oh..." He said. "By now everyone knows that we are together so I'm sure they put me on the cinema section these days because of your interview." I said and he just laughed. "Well... you can make me a personal interview..." He said sensual. "Oh, really?" I said and he approached his lips on mines but when he was about to push them to mines he said "But after eat the pizza" and the put a piece of pizza on his mouth.

I fell on my bag as Harry was still kissing my neck but then we felt Mr. Cheese climbing to the bed and he made his way in between Harry's and my legs. "Mr. Cheese get out..." I said laughing but he just turned himself, he just wanted to play. "He really knows how to get your attention, uh?" Harry said laughing and I stood up and took Mr. Cheese on my arms and leaved him on the living room and closed the door between my bedroom and the living room. Then I heard Harry whistling at me as I was naked walking back to the bed. I climbed to the top of him and he quickly rolled us. "More?" I asked laughing and he smiled and pecked my lips. "What time is it?" He asked and I looked at the clock that was on the wall. "2 am" I said and he rolled his eyes. "God... you're going to be the reason why I will need make up tomorrow on the interview..." He said laughing. "me? Who was the one who decided to watch a film and then..." I said and he started to kiss my neck. "And then what...?" He whispered in between the kisses. "You know what" I said laughing taking his head on my hands to make him look at me and he smirked and kissed my neck again. "Harry... We have to wake up in 5 hours..." I said trying to hold my laugh and he looked at me smirking again. "One last time and then we'll sleep." He said and I rolled him so I was on the top of him. "Ok" I said smirking and we made the love one last time before we covered ourselves with the sheets. "Good night." He said pecking my lips and I rested my head on his chest, but we heard Mr. Cheese scratching the door. "He wants to come in." I said and even I wasn't looking at Harry I knew he rolled his eyes. I stood up and opened the door and quickly Mr. Cheese rested himself in between Harry's legs. "I can't understand why you like to sleep with your cat on your legs." He said laughing as I was covering us with the sheets again. "He's my baby." I said and Harry just laughed and kissed my forehead. "God night Hazza." I said and then we fell asleep.

"Are you coming with me?" Harry asked me as I was taking my purse and checking that all the windows were closed. I turned myself to see him waiting for me on the front door. "Oh, no. I'll take my car cause' I don't know if they are going to tell me to stay for some work or not, and by the way, I would have to go to the supermarket after work, there's nothing on my fridge but milk and yogurts." I said and Harry started to laugh. "Ok." Harry said and then we closed the door and went downstairs to the street. "See you on the TV then?" He said and I nodded and pecked my lips. "See you there." I said and then we walked to our cars and we drove to the TV. As we arrived, he quickly went with his band mates to their dressing room with their stylist and I went to the studio where the interview was supposed to be. "Emily! I thought you were working on the cinema section today." Sarah said and I nodded. "Yes, I just came to ask who's going to be the interviewer." I said smiling. "Me" I heard and I turned myself and I saw Veronica. "Oh, hi Veronica." I said and she smiled and shook my hand. "Should we check out the questions?" She said to Sarah and then at me. "uh... I'll come back later, ok?" I said and they nodded, so I went to the area where I had to work. "James" I said and he turned to me. "Emily! I was waiting for you." He said and I smiled and sat down beside him. "Soo... today?" I asked and he showed me the list of things to do. "Oh my God..." I said as I saw the long list. "You know the Oscars are in one month and there are a lot of things to do" he said laughing. "Ok... let's do it." I said trying to fake my best smile.

I took off the hair from my face and rubbed my eyes, then I looked at James, that was holding some papers and he looked at me. "What time is it?" I asked and he looked at his clock and then at me. "11:30" He said and then I stood up quickly. "The one direction interview!" I said and he stood up too and smiled. "Let's go before it's over." He said and we walked to the studio. As we entered, I saw the lads sitting on the couch and Veronica interviewing them but I saw in their faces that they were upset. "What's going on here?" I whispered to James but he looked at me as confused as I was. Then I walked to Sarah. "Sarah, what's going on here?" I whispered and she made me shut up and took my arm and guided me outside of the studio. As she closed the door she quickly turned to me. "What's going on?" I asked and she shook her head. "It's Veronica. She decided to change the questions 5 minutes before the interview." She said and I looked at her confused. "But what about their faces? What did she asked?" I asked and she gave me the new list of questions. "What?" I said reading. "She has changed the roll of the interview and has talked about all the bad stuff, about the non-sold out arenas, about the hate of some fans, about relationships..." She said and I looked at her speechless. "But what about Leah?" I asked. Leah was the one who decided about everything in all our sections, she was our boss. "C'mon, you know how popular are always Veronica's interviews, Leah is absolutely agree with every interview that Veronica do." She said. "Yeah... I understand that this type of interviews are able in this section..." I said and took a deep breath, but then we heard that everyone started to talk inside the studio so that mean that the interview was over. I quickly opened the door and I saw that Harry and the other lads were leaving. "Harry!" I said but someone took me by arm and turned me. "Leah wants to talk with you." Someone said. "But..." I said. "Now." He said and then I nodded and walked to Leah's office. I knocked on the door and when I hear her saying "Come in" I opened the door and entered. "Did you want to see me?" I asked and she nodded and I sat down in the chair in front of her desk. "So, how are you Emily? Are you enjoying working on here?" She asked me and I looked at her confused. "Yeah. Sure. Why are you asking me this Leah? You know that I love my work." I said and she smiled. "Actually I was worry about the One Direction interview could affect you. I'm sure you've seen the interview and the questions that Veronica has made." She said and I nodded. "Excuse me, Leah, but I really don't know what you are trying to say to me." I said. "We all know here that you and Harry Styles have a kind off... relationship." She said and I looked at her confused. "And I was worry about you could be mad about the interview." She said. "Uh... It's obviously that I don't want to see him hurt... but I also understand that it's part of our job..." I said and Leah smiled. "That's why I put you on the cinema section today; I didn't want you to work in the interview." She said and I looked at her confused. "Thanks?" I said and she nodded. Even Leah was a strong and sometimes evil person; she was a good boss and knew how to take care of all her employees. "Is there something more you want to talk about?" I asked and she shook her head. "You can go home now. I'm sure you want to talk with Harry." She said. "But what about the cinema section?" I asked. "James will finish it for you." She said and I nodded. "Thanks Leah." I said and I stood up. "You're welcome." She said and then I leaved.
I got out of Leah's office and walked back to the studio but I saw that the lads weren't there. "Where is Harry?" I asked to Sarah. "Oh, they have leaved about 10 minutes ago." She said and I quickly took my phone and called him but he didn't answer me. Then I came back to the cinema section where James was working again. "James I'm leaving." I said and he looked at me. "Yeah, Leah just told it to me now. See you tomorrow?" He said and I nodded and took my purse and walked to my car. I drove to Harry's place to know if he was there and when I saw his car parked in front of his house, I got out and walked to the front door and opened it. "Harry?" I asked. "I'm on the living room." He said and I leaved my purse and my jacket and walked to the living room and he was there, sitting on the couch, drinking a beer and watching the interview on the TV. I quickly went to him and sat down beside him and watched the interview too. "And that's how they have humiliated us." He said without looking at me. "God." He said and stood up but I stood up too and turned him to me. "Harry you can't be mad with me." I said and he laughed. "Have you seen the interview?" He yelled. "Yes, I did." I said and he laughed again. "It sucks." He said. "Harry it is part of our job, and also part of yours, to get this type of interviews..." I said. "Yeah, but wasn't cool be interviewed on that way on my girlfriend's work." He said. "Harry I wasn't working in that section today, and by the way, I'm not an interviewer. So don't yell at me." I said and he nodded and hugged me. "yeah... you're right... sorry. I know it wasn't your fault." He said and I put my hands on his cheeks to make him look at me. "I know you're upset, but don't be mad at me." I said and pecked his lips. "How I am supposed to be mad with this beautiful girl I have in between my arms." He said smiling and kissed my lips. "c'mon. I'm hungry. Cook something for both of us." I said and he nodded.

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