Chapter 8

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Author's Note: Hey guys, this chapter has a couple mentions of abuse and some light descriptions of injuries that some might find upsetting or triggering. Please use caution when reading. Thank you.


The Monday school day came and went as fast as the weekend did as Amity sat in class staring at the clock, a pit of despair growing in her stomach. Her exams had not gone as well planned as a lack of studying coupled with lingering emotions that clouded mind combined in a recipe of failure. As the minutes ticked on, the young witch couldn't help but fear what awaited her at home. She had spent the weekend away providing her parents little notice in the form of a lie after all, and now she was bringing home grades she knew would bring her parents shame. Lost in thought, the remainder of class went by in a blur as Amity ruminated on her weekend with Luz and what was to come, the juxtaposition of the two trains of thought playing in her mind like the plot of a dark comedy.

Mind brought back to reality as the school bell rang, Amity sighed as she packed up her things before making her way out of the class room. There was no escaping what was to come next, the green haired witch thought. After all, even if she were to run away, to escape back to the owl house and into the secure and welcoming arms of Luz, trouble would undoubtedly find her. There was no escaping fate after all, Amity thought, and as such, perhaps it was better to just take things in stride now rather than risk a worse fate in the future.

"There you are, Mittens!" the green haired witch's older brother Edric yelled as he and his twin Emira ran up to meet the girl as they exited the school. "Where were you this weekend?"

"I... I told mom and dad I was staying at Boscha's to... to study for exams," Amity stuttered as she attempted to recall the lie she had given her parents for consistency's sale.

"Oh..." Emira breathed, glancing at Edric with a look that Amity couldn't quite place but made her nervous nonetheless.

"Wha... what is it?" Amity finally choked out as the trio continued to walk home, breaking the brief silence that had fallen over them.

Looking at Edric once more, Emira sighed as she stopped in her tracks, taking her sister's hand in the process. "Mittens..." Emira spoke, voice apprehensive, "you forgot to tell Boscha you said you were staying at her house, didn't you?"

Stomach dropping to her feet, Amity stood frozen in fear, unable to respond to the question she knew her sister already had the answer too. Feeling a hand grip her shoulder, Amity flinched at the touch despite its gentle hold. Head turning to meet her brother's eyes, the trembling girl felt tears fill her eyes as she looked to him, searching for any sort of comfort.

Sensing the fear radiating from youngest Blight, Edric pulled Amity into a tight hug as Emira continued to hold her hand. "Mittens..." Edric spoke softly, "Boscha came over looking for you on Friday after you had already called mom and dad."

"We didn't know you had told them you were staying with her until they mentioned it at breakfast this morning. They... they know you lied," Emira whispered as she gave Amity's hand a small squeeze.

"I just..." Amity croaked, "were they... were they mad? I... I don't want to get yelled at..."

"Amity..." Emira spoke as she crouched down to a squat, looking up to meet her younger sister's eyes. "We... we know its more than that... We know its more than yelling."

"But... but how?" Amity stammered, eyes wide in fear.

"That day we stole your diary... we saw one of the entries... Amity, why didn't you tell us? This... this whole time mom and dad lied to us. Told us you were clumsy when really..." Edric spoke, tears filling his eyes.

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