Chapter 21

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Author's Note: This story contains somewhat graphic depictions of violence, mentions of bl*od, and alcohol use. User discretion is advised.

P.S. This chapter is kind of a ride. Buckle up.

P.P.S Chapter 20 was recently updated with some real fluffy art so if you need a break after reading this, check it out or peep it on my IG @garseeyart 😁


"Where the fuck are our children, Odalia?" Alador sneered as exited his study, slamming the door behind him.

"Whatever do you mean, dear?" Odalia said flatly as she thumbed the pages of the book in her lap, offering not even a passing glance at her seemingly enraged husband. "The twins are staying at a friends house to prepare for exams. Something about a big illusions track test coming up."

"Is that so?" Alador growled as he approached his wife. "Then why the hell did one of my associates call just now saying they had spotted the twins in town yesterday with Amity?!"

"Oh did they now?" Odlia questioned, closing her book as she raised her head. "How disappointing. All this time we've given Lilith to find that wretched girl only for Edric and Emira to know her exact whereabouts. I should have known better than to trust the Clawthorne but no matter," Odalia hummed as she stood.

"How can you be so calm about this, Odalia?!" Alador yelled. "Do you know what will happen if word got out about, Amity? If she's with the twins that must mean she's told them everything by now. It was one thing for them to witness the last incident but for them to know everything, its unlikely that our threats and keeping them under lock and key will be enough to get them to keep their mouthes shut. Especially considering what you did to Emira's arm!"

"Alador," Odalia spoke, venom in her voice. "Do you really find me such a fool to think that I don't know that? However, the twins being seen out in public with Amity right now may the best possible thing to manage this little, situation, we have at hand. To those outside of us who know of Amity's... departure... I'm sure the children's day out looks to be nothing more than bonding time - a sign of a close, healthy family."

"And what of any plans they may come up with to retaliate?" Alador questioned as he thought about his wife's stipulations.

"We don't know for a fact that they are, dear," Odalia brushed the worry off. "I'd be surprised if our threats and the little lesson Emira learned wouldn't be enough to keep them at bay for now. Even so, it behoove of us to to figure out a course of action as to how to progress. Clearly Lilith Clawthorne cannot be counted on to return Amity and to be frank, I wouldn't be surprised if she knew more about our little situation than she is letting on what with her proximity to her sister and the human Amity is so clearly fond of. That being said, I think its time we had a chat with our friend to see what exactly she knows all of this. Wherever her mind may be, who's to say we can't convince her to talk?" Odalia sneered through a devilish grin before drawing a spell circle, an illusion of Lilith appearing in front the couple before the high ranking member of the emperor's coven drew one more circle, an abomination hand promptly grabbing the faux Lilith and proceeding to slam her to the ground.

"Perhaps you're right, my dear," spoke in agreement of his wife's plan. "In that case, I will have one of the servants summon Lilith now lest we let any more time pass on this."

"Perfect," Odalia spoke as she walked past her husband, planning the book she had been holding back on the book case behind him where it belonged. "Everything will work out just fine," the matriarch Blight hummed. "Even if we have to eliminate the problem entirely," she sneered, eyes locking onto a small family photo tucked away in the corner of the shelf.

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