Chapter 19

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Author's Note: No warnings this time! Enjoy some well deserved the fluff. Y'all deserve it.

P.S: If yall like this fic and could recommend it to your friends, I'd appreciate it! Happy reading :)

"Hey babe?" Luz spoke from across the lunch room table. It was mid-way through the Friday of their first week back - a week that had proven to be particularly physically and emotionally grueling after the couple's altercation with Boscha at the onset.

"Yes, Luz?" Amity squeaked in surprise having been pulled from her thoughts, a light blush crawling across her cheeks.

"Are you okay, love?" Luz asked through a chuckle noting the red tint of her girlfriend's face.

"Yes! Of course!" Amity laughed nervously. "I just wasn't paying attention and then... well... yeah..."


"Yeah, so anyway, whats up?" Amity breathed, inwardly shaking her head at the jumble up mess her words had become.

"Well," Luz said as she extended her hand across the table, one that Amity graciously took. "I was just thinking that if you aren't busy tomorrow - which I'm pretty sure you aren't beings as we live together haha - perhaps you'd might like to go on a date with me?"

"Oh," Amity sputtered wide-eyed at her girlfriend's proposition. Despite the fact that the couple had been dating for going on two weeks and has been friends even longer, Amity found herself increasingly more bashful around Luz, the witch blushing at any and every sign of affection received from the human. Having very minimal experience receiving any kind of love or affection from anyone in her life, save her siblings, to love and be loved in return seemed a concept so simple yet remained overwhelming. Coupled with the fact that the romantic love was a territory completely new to her, it only made sense that the green haired witch found herself bemused before pleasantly surprised at her girlfriend's gestures.

"Well?" Luz asked with a grin as she watched her girlfriend process her feelings, a habit in which the human had come to expect as routine knowing many of the emotions Amity was experiencing as of late were new.

"That would be wonderful," Amity said through an ear to ear smile that had formed on her face as she patted the human's hand in excitement. "What did you have in mind?"

"Now that my love, is a surprise!"

"A surprise? For me?"

"Yes indeed! And its one I think you will quite enjoy."

Staring at the loving look in Luz's eyes, Amity couldn't keep her heart from fluttering as her curiosity peaked, wondering what the human had in store. "Thats so sweet Luz, I can't wait," Amity hummed in contentment, "but could I maybe get a tiny hint at what were doing so I know what to wear?"

"Oh yeah, sure," Luz chuckled as she watched the excitement on her girlfriend's face grow. "Hm, we should probably wear something old along with some comfortable shoes. We'll be doing quite a bit of walking."

"Okay!" Amity smiled as her curiosity grew. "But wait, walking? Are, uh, you sure you're going to be able to do that?" the green haired witch remarked, ushering to the pair of crutches propped up against a wall near the table that had caught her eye.

"Oh yeah," Luz remarked confidently. "No need to worry about me! So long as I got these babies, I am good to go!" the human chided as she flexed her arms, eliciting a light chuckle from her girlfriend.

"Whatever you say," Amity grinned, rolling her eyes at cocky smirk on the human's face.

Finishing their lunch with smiles cemented on their faces, the pair found them selves independently counting down the minutes until the school day's end, both mentally running through a list of preparations needed for their date the following day. The bell screaming signaling the end of lunch, the pair stood to part ways for the remainder of the day, leaving one another with a warm embrace and a loving kiss. As each departed, feelings of happiness trailed behind. With quick glances over their shoulder ensuring the other was out of sight, the girls pulled out their respective scrolls, quickly shooting off a quick text of some last minute advice, both wanting to get this first date right.

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