Chapter 10

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Note: This chapter has some mention of injuries that some may be uncomfortable with. Please read at your own discretion.


"Its gonna be okay, kid," Eda whispered as she placed a reassuring hand in the crying human's shoulder. It had been a little over an hour and a half since the pair had arrived at the healer's office with the unconscious Blight girl. Well known members of the emperor's coven, the Blights and the image the named conveyed often conjured thoughts of power in people's minds. As such, finding the youngest Blight weak and vulnerable, likely at the hands of her elders, sent shivers down the older witch's spine. Having attended school with the girl's father, Eda knew first hand how terrible the man had the capacity to be - or at least she thought she did. He was a bully, often using his status and hands to get what he wanted and it came as no surprise that his politics as a member of the emperor's council followed a pattern of such. Frequently instigating conflict between the Boiling Isles and surrounding lands, the head Blight was a tyrannical force to be reckoned with to no one's surprise. The fact that the man's show of violence extended into the home however, was a completely different matter.

"How could they do this to their own daughter?" Luz sniffled, leaning head into Eda's arms in a silent plea for an embrace. An excellent question, Eda thought to herself as she wrapped the human in her arms. Most people who were around during the head Blight's rise to power were familiar with the family's adoption story and as such knew the youngest to have been not a Blight by birth. Having peripherally known the man growing up, Eda felt for the girl knowing her entrance into the Blight home was likely more for show than genuine love, evident through the girl's brown roots betraying a mask of green hair dyed to match the Blight image. The life that kid must live, Eda sighed to herself; being forced to fit the expectations of uncaring parents was bad enough but to be physically abused on top of it was more horrifying than the older witch could bare.

"They are monsters, kid, monsters," Eda remarked, venom dripping in her voice as her anger on the young witch's behalf grew with each passing second.

"Do... do you think she'll be okay?" Luz whimpered, hurt in her voice and sadness in her eyes.

"Yeah. Physically, she'll be okay. They'll patch her up real good like they did with you," Eda sighed sadly, patting the distraught human's cast. "Emotionally... now thats a whole different story. Guess we'll just have to see her through that part now won't we?"

"Yeah," Luz sniffled, composing herself before finally speaking with the strength and conviction Eda had known the girl for, "I'm not gonna leave her side for a minute and there's no way I'm gonna ever let them hurt her again."

"Well, she's lucky to have you kid," Eda smiled softly, a gentle hand ruffling the human's hair.

"Ms. Clawthorne," an unfamiliar voice spoke, pulling the older witch's attention. "My name is Dr. Tabius."

"How's she doin, doc?" Eda asked, formalities aside as she moved straight to the point.

"Well, she's pretty banged up. She's three broken ribs and several bruises on her legs and arms. She also had a cut across her palm that required stitches and has a mild concussion. What did you say happened to her again?" the healer questioned, concern and skepticism in his voice.

"We found her outside our home..." Luz spoke. "Sh... she was unconscious and so we brought her here to get help. I... I think she was looking for me," the human choked, hands anxiously clutching the folds of her shorts as she spoke.

"And do you have any idea what might have caused her injuries?" Dr. Tabius questioned.

"We can't say for sure," Luz remarked once more, the truth in her heart but not wanting to betray her friend's confidence. "Perhaps you should ask her..."

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