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~Dorothy Sawdon~

Dorothy Sawdon.

"Oh my god have you seen the outfit Rachel had on today?" Jordan moaned, closing her eyes as she fantasized about none other than the usual --Rachel Jones. "Pure sexiness"

I sighed, layering glue over a piece of wood I had sitting in front of me. "Don't even, Jordan" I said with a shake of my head.

"You're only saying that because you haven't seen her today, D" she said, holding her face in her palms, "She's a goddess"

"So what about Jake?" I asked with a frown. Her expression soured into one of distaste at the sound of his name but then she shrugged.

"What about the bastard?" she asked.

I dropped my bottle of glue and the wooden sheet. "You were dating him yesterday"

"Yeah, before he cheated on me with that whore Mindy" she said with a roll of her eyes. "He's scum of the earth and I never want to see him again"

"You'll get back together again like you always do" I said, already very sure that they would. I felt like this happened every week. Them with their toxic ass relationship, one cheating on the other and then breaking up only to fuck and get back together in 3 days maximum.

"No" she scoffed and right after she spoke, the bell rang creating its usual shrill and sending us packing as fast as we could so as to escape the infernal noise. We took our bags and bid our teacher goodbye before exiting woodshop --the last class of the day.

"But seriously, D you have to see her" she said again, bringing up the same Rachel Jones. I was sick of it but used to it because it was not just Jordan who would not stop talking about her but the whole school, ranting about how hot and mysterious she was. I did not see it.

"Keep her to yourself, why don't you?" I said, sliding my backpack over my shoulders and walking on down the crowded halls.

The place began to drain of people once I had emptied my bag into my locker and began to walk to the exit. Jordan was by my side, walking with me when we reached the exit, immediately laying our eyes upon Jake. He was making out with some blonde chick that I assumed was Mindy. I caught sight of a fuming Jordan and immediately wished to sprint away from the vicinity and not look back.

"Please tell me you're not going to storm up to them" I said to her practically pleading for her not to cause a scene on this fine day. She seemed furious but she would not let Jake know she cared about what he did. It was part of their game.

"Of course not" she gritted, "I dont even care"

I sighed happily at that, making my way down the stairs to exit the building. Jordan followed behind but soon had to stop when we neared the junction her house was at. She waved me goodbye and left, leaving me sulking over to my apartment at the deeper side of town.

I called a cab feeling a bit too exasperated to walk all the way there --not today. Once in the cab, I plugged my earphones in and gazed out the window at the darkening sky as we drove past.

Recognition for my neighborhood soon came in and I stopped the cab driver, paying him and leaving with my bag slung over my shoulders.

I walked into the brightly coloured building walking up the first narrow stairs to the first floor and then the second to where my apartment was located. I headed over to the door once I had entered the hall, staring at the ajar door of the room beside mine. I knew nearly everyone in this building except for the one who lived right next to me with the navy green door that they seemed to leave open a lot.

I hadn't asked anyone and simply assumed thay weren't home alot. I snapped my attention away from that and pushed the door of my room open, revealing my brightly decorated apartment. Before I could step a foot in, I was greeted by my poodle, Fluffy who pounced right into my arms, snuggling her little head into my chest and barking softly.

I giggled, keeping her in my hold as I entered closed the door behind me. I dropped her down on the couch, beginning to strip myself from my uniform quickly.

I did away with my blazer and skirt before beginning to undo the buttons on my shirt.

Once I was in my underwear, I made my way to the kitchen and opened the cabinets, searching through the nearly empty spaces for food. I found a box of pasta and some half-finished spaghetti sauce in the refrigerator and decided to cook that, quickly putting it in a pot full of water and plopping the sauce in a microwave.

I turned on the heat underneath the spaghetti and let it boil while I scrolled through my Instagram for something interesting. Fluffy climbed up into my arms again making me smile as I held her to my chest. I scrolled through my feed for a while longer until I got a text message from Jordan.

Wanna go out tonight??
Party at Parker's
Sent 4.13pm.
Seen 4.13pm.

Sent 4.15pm.
Seen 4.15pm.

Sweet. I'll pick you up at 7.
Wear something sexy;-)
Sent 4.15pm.
Seen 4.15pm.

I rolled my eyes at the last part, turning my phone off after that and going over to check on the food.

Then I heard the click of the door coming from next door. I wasn't usually one to be nosy but I decided to take a peek, tip toeing over to the door and peeking my head through so as to not display my barely clothed body to whoever the person might be.

My eyes widened once I caught sight of who it was, unintentionally letting go of my grip on the door as my mouth dropped in awe.

"You?" I asked, staring at none other than Rachel Jones.

Or West Lake's bad girl as she was popularly known.

Visuals are everything so here is a look at Dorothy's apartment.


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Started 26th August 2020

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