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This is not edited, but enjoy. BTW this is the introduction

Ahhh the beauty and the beast. Yes we all know the tale, the beast has to get someone to love them, and he has to love them back for the curse to be broken.

But what about when things have a turn of events? What would happen if the beauty and the beast was a thing now passed on by genes. And, it can only be broken if they are also your soulmate. This is why past generations have failed. They ended up with someone who wasn't there soulmate, which led to whoever the beast was at the time to convert from beast to human from time to time.

Yup bet no one ever told you that, after the story ended. From the first curse up to the Present one- I mean I guess that part wasn't as interesting.

But what if the beast is female, which is weird right? The "story books" only said the beast was the male. Well you see it's a female now

And that's just about the case nowadays...

The beast: is not who you think they are. This time the beast is a female. This beast is tall but not as past generation male beasts, they have gotten taller over the years. She is just about a foot shorter 6"4 to be exact... You see the beast isn't  mean, she's actually quite kind, but her appearance makes her into something entirely different.
  She has fur basically everywhere, sharp teeth and claws. Not only that but her hands are quite large. But despite that she still has a human mind, feelings etc. her fur is a dark and deep brown, with small patches of light brown near her face that appear during winter, just like how people look lighter during winter.  Her eyes are a grey-ish blue, the only thing she likes about herself is her eyes. She's not really sure what expression she makes because well, she's been a beast since she was 4. And her name is Amari Nova. (F/n: Nova L/n:Amari)

Now moving on to the beauty

The beauty: Now the beauty is a male, no he doesn't look feminine, but he is by far the best looking male in town. Men, Women, and any other gender swoon over him, but he doesn't even bat an eyelash at them.
He is incredibly smart and strong. But, you see the beauty is only a beauty on the outside. On the inside he's rather... hurt and quite lonely. Broke, and can be kind Even but, he keeps on a hard exterior. on the outside he's rather...
  Mean and has horrible manners. He curses at his own mother for crying out loud! Albeit he is rather misunderstood and accused. No one has ever tried to actually get to know him, all they wanted was to show off to others that they got such a nice looking guy.
  Lastly, he has ash blond hair, and beautiful crimson eyes. He's very well toned, and takes some pride in it. He usually wears a scowl, or a bored expression. And his name is bakugo katsuki. (F/n: Katsuki L/n: Bakugo)

20 years have passed since the two were born, now entering there 20's it was natural for men to go out and find wife's, husbands or any other gender they take a liking too.
  So how come bakugo was finding so much trouble, heck even his best friend who he wouldn't admit is- has found a wife. Even the damn nerd has someone, and icy hot.
So why couldn't he find himself a wife? He was the beauty after all, it shouldn't be hard.

But deep down Bakugo knew it was mostly his fault for it. He's quite picky when it comes to these kinds of things. Not only that, but most females are getting tired of his constant no's and ignores, to where they find someone else to wed. He wants a wife who would stand up for themself when it comes to petty arguments, and he's not trying to be rude or anything but he's kind of into chubby women. But to him there's nothing wrong if your not chubby, it's just his preference.
He also wanted a women who could tell what he was feeling, not that he would ever admit that's what he wanted. Lastly he wants a wife who's kind and gentle, knows how to take a joke and just all around beautiful in his eyes. He's aiming for personality more than looks to be quite honest.

Now enough with that shall we continue to story about the beauty and the beast?

Yes I know this is short but this is just the introduction like I said, more will be coming soon!-ally

Beauty and the not so beast (Bakugo x chubby OC)Where stories live. Discover now