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A/n I hope you guys are enjoying... this is my first book so I don't exactly plan things out- I'm sorry! Ans also I know I tend to ramble a lot in the story, or add mire stuff so sorry if gets boring.
Betrayal, that's a funny word Don't you think? Everyone goes through betrayal atleast once, if they haven't than... your probably isolated.

And then there's love, love can be taken into so many different ways and forms. Loved is past tense, in love  is present.  Although there's always some sorta affection, even if it's empty.

But love and betrayal should never mix, and never will.  But of course Nova always getting the short end of the stick, she got the perfect mix.

Maybe that's why she lost any and all hope in finding love again, being loved again, being in love... but why was she suddenly thinking about this when staring at the ash blonde in her dining room.

Coincidence? Nah never.

She won't be flooded again. And why is she swooning over a man she just met? (Even though he chased her, with an intention to murder earlier.)

Was it maybe because this was the first time she seen a human being in about 5 years who didn't hold a spear and torch? Possibly. But... just because he didn't have a torch or spear- that doesn't mean he had good intentions.

"Oi!" He said quite irritated that she was just staring at him with a look of... disgust? Or maybe she was constipated who knows.

"You never answered the damn question! Do you know where I can find the beast?" He asked in a somewhat snappy tone that made her jump a little, but this is her house- ee castle so who does he think he is?

She furrowed her eyebrows at his tone, usually she would be shaking but no she was going stand up for herself. She's not going to show him her shy side. "Excuse you but I don't know who you think you are talking to me like that honey, but I do know you can get the fuck out if you don't wanna respect me!"

Her mother always taught her to stand her ground in her territory, no matter how scary they were or how scared she was, or shy she needed to stand her ground... even if her voice was shaking the entire time- she still tried dammit!

Now this surprised Bakugo, no female has ever stood up to him besides maybe a few of them, and Camie... but that didn't really count. Not only that but her calling him honey made his ears turn the slightest shade of pink.

Letting out a small snort, "what the hell was that? Trying to intimidate me or something, huh shortcake?" He teased. No one really understood this but... Bakugo liked to tease people, the friendly banter Nowadays.

I mean he would tease when he could, like in this case. He could tell she was a shy person- lives probably alone. Plus... she was hesitating to even look him in the eye.

Nova was too say... appalled. "You- you stupid, ugly-" she took the choice of looking into his eyes. He was far from ugly. "Mean brute!" Her face was flushed from embarrassment, and she was shaking a little. Maybe it was the fact he was leaning down toward her with a snug smirk, and cross of his arms in victory.

She huffed out "if your here to insult me than just leave!" This was an excuse, it was almost dawn. The once dark sky with moonlight was no slinking into the bright morning sky.

"Oh no, you still didn't answer my question honey." He said in a mocking tone, Until it took a complete 180 into a scowl. " Do you know the beast? I saw that thing run here earlier."

His tone was dead serious, almost like a menace.

She swallows hard, trying to think of the best possible answer for him. Hell she was the beast! But she wasn't trying to get herself killed from this stupidly fine man- like where do they make them-.

Beauty and the not so beast (Bakugo x chubby OC)Where stories live. Discover now