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Before we start: just want to say this story is detonated to a few good friends of mine~ so if you see this thank you.  2 the art up there I found in Pinterest. 3 I will show you guys what the beast looks like in human form soon, if there's any mistakes let me know-ally

As the rather large village of hosu was bustling with laughter and joy, there was of course that one or two people that just had a sour mood.

That person was Karen, the one who always bought flowers from the flower shop. Oh wait there's also katsuki bakugo of course.

He's not as always angry any more like when he was a kid. He's pissed off from all the disgustingly sweet PDA. Not only that, but his favorite shop just ran out of spicy seasonings so early in the morning.

I mean besides Bakugo who in there right mind would buy a whole shelve of seasoning?

Inhaling and exhaling trying to calm down bakugo trotted to the missions house. The house were you get missions, of course.

There was indeed a mission that had caught his eye the other day, one people refused to even look at. It probably wasn't so bad, he's most likely  went through worse with UA, being the biggest, and most known school house  in this city.

Stepping through the door it smelled like cleaning supplies and lemons. He hated the smell of lemons so it irked him even more. Being frustrated and all, he stomped towards the mission board not caring who saw and/ or heard.

Where is it, where is it, oh right there it is all the way at the bottom underneath other missions. Snatching it from the small pin tearing a fine line at the corner he looked at what was so difficult about it.

"Slay the beast and get a great reward" he cocked an eyebrow at this, 'slay the beast, I haven't heard of any beast around here' he thought.

"What you need to know about this mission. This horrible nasty beast eats people, and enslaves Them to be servants and clean if she doesn't eat them. She will not be afraid to hurt you, so be aware."

Reward: 3,000

Bakugo widened his eyes at this 3,000? That was sure a hefty price to slay one weird animal. Bakugo scoffed at this. 'I need to see what I'll need for this mission' he thought as he folded the paper and took it with him.

But of course things had to do a change if events.
As he was walking home, as usual Camie came strutting up to him, acting like she owned the world.

"Hey bakubaby~ what cha got in ya hand?" She said reaching out to grab it, but he put it in his pocket so she couldn't. Bakugo rolled his eyes at her, she always tried to seduce him literally only for his looks.

She said it too, and I quote "if you marry me we'll be the best looking couple and have amazing kids promise!" He remembered her saying in a sing-song voice

That of course made him furious, he was not going to have a kid with someone who only liked his looks. But he took her to a date just to see... and it was horrible she only talked about her self and said he was rude and annoying.

"Piss off rat ass!" He barked at her, but it didn't faze her instead she hooked her arm around his with her weird ass strength. "Awhh Don't be like that baby." She said pouting. "you know I could make it worth your wild" she said in a sing-song high pitched voice.

If this was someone else's situation he would've been amused but right now he's the complete and utter opposite.

How did he ever think  Camie was like the beauty but female. She was more of a tramp but she still had anyone swoon over her. Hell people bashed bakugo because he rejected her.

Beauty and the not so beast (Bakugo x chubby OC)Where stories live. Discover now