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A/N thank you for any votes I appreciate it so much! I know it's slow for now but I'll get better soon I promise.

As Bakugo waited for night fall, he started to really think about this damn mission. Like why was he even trying to kill the beast? His best friend is married to someone who had pink skin and black eyes for crying out loud!

So why should it matter if someone is a beast,  he doesn't think it's logical to kill the beast if they did nothing wrong. As he got older, he started to realize things. Like not to think the worst out of a situation.

Even though he never did in the first place, he's not that dumb or dense, like Denki. He's older now and has learned more things, in fact Bakugo kinda feels even bad for what he used to do... not that he'll admit that.

Albeit why would they say the beast eats humans, there plenty of plants out here, so why humans... unless the damn beast didn't even humans.

During this time Bakugo was able to clean up of any splinters or cuts. And think about how to break into that castle.

Meanwhile the so called beast... was losing her absolute shit during the night, when she should be sleeping, reading or doing anything else in the human form. She was actually running around talking to the vermillion feather duster, hawks.

"Don't worry dove, I'm sure he didn't see anything! Right mister melted staple?" Asked Hawks to the candle, who simply grunted out a fuck you. Most defiantly earning a hearty laugh from him.

"No no no no, you don't understand! He chased me and saw me come into here!" She exclaimed throwing her hands into the air in a panic. She was most definitely worried, the way he chased her was just plain scary.

He was cute too she thought.

Picking up the feather duster she twirled one of the feathers around, in a anxious panic. Earning a blush and laugh from Hawks, "He-Hey st-Op that tickles-" shaking from laughter.

"Oh sorry hawks.. I'll ask kurogiri for help with the situation. Thank you both!" She said to the candle and feather duster. Even though the candle didn't really help she gave them both a small little peck.

As she raced down the hallway, she skidded to a stop almost falling. As she seen the head of ash blonde hair emerge out the bushes. And red eyes reflecting from the moonlight.

Nova was frozen in her place. Holy shit... she thought. He was slowly stalking toward the castle trying to get in.

She probably could've screamed right then and there. Even though she was no longer the beast at this moment, she was smaller than him. And most likely not as fast as him in human form. So she ran down the hallway to where the most wisdom clock in the castle was.

Did he see her? Most likely. She wasn't that hard to miss since she was so curvy, and had shiny eyes.

"KUROGIRI HES GONNA EAT ME!" She screamed, honestly terrified.  Kurogiri looked over in a panic state "what are you taking about?" Shigaraki was stifling a few snickers cause he thought she was stupid. So she started explaining what happened, if the clock had a real hand he would face palm.

"Simple... Just uh...act like you don't know him!" He said all excited, earning a hesitated stare from her.

"Okay...your right" she breathed out slowly. Maybe she could get a compromise from the strange yet handsome man.

She stumbled over to turn off any light so hopefully he would think she'd gone to sleep. But much to her avail she heard a small crash from upstairs.

Hearing that she went to hide in the library moving swiftly around knocking into a few chairs and brooms. She was panicking, he broke in! He could at-least knock instead of breaking something she can't replace.

Out of all places she choose the library. She didn't really read too often... plus there were spiders! Those scary beasts-

The footsteps were what snapped her out of her aimless thinking. she knew he was getting closer from  the way the old floor boards, would creak and groan. She knew it wasn't one of the little objects she talked to.

Holding in her breath to try and hide her presence, even though the pure smell of vanilla cookies was a huge give away against the old dusty smell. Slightly peeking out to be faced with a buff and tall man with looks that could kill. Yet the stare possibly wasn't intended to be mean or hostile.

Just a resting bitch face, she thought. Huh weird.

She was about to let out a shriek but- he pressed his palm against her mouth and made a shhh noise, a unconscious plead to be quite.

He moved his hand away and turned on the little lamp next to him. Finally seeing her. And when he says he was astonished... he truly was.

She had beautiful eyes, a mix of cool grey and blue. Something he's never seen before. And a beautiful skin color. Her skin was like a dark chocolate, matching  with a few freckles. Something really breath taking was the way her hair looked, it was so... puffy in the best way. He could tell her hair was soft.

He wanted to continue too look at her and examine her, and try and find out how she was able to give him butterflies just from the way she gasped.

Maybe it was the way she gasped and made him think... things. How it would feel to touch her hair and kiss her lips, and how he could get her to gasp other wa-

He snapped out his thoughts when she cleared her throat, "excuse me do I know you? Do you need help? A-are you hurt?" She asked politely and her oh so gentle and kind tone , it made his heart skip beats.

"I... uh... yeah, do you know where The beast is? I'm on a mission to talk.. to them." He said softly . She froze at this, maybe the sound of his smooth and deep voice or how he talked to her gently....

Or maybe because she knew he came  to kill her, and not talk and get to know each other.

I mean she's only human for the night... it's not like she'll find love again, after being betrayed before.

A/n I know this chapter sucks, I wasn't sure how to put out the chapter correctly.  I'm not sure when I'll be able to update again- ally

Beauty and the not so beast (Bakugo x chubby OC)Where stories live. Discover now