Chapter nine

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About an hour later we had all supplies and team members gathered. The girls agreed to sit in the snow and watch. We set up the rink and go over the rules. Once we are ready I skate to the net I was being goalie for. I get in my stance and Billy skates to me.
"You ready Jess?" He asked.
I nod. "Ready as I'll ever be" I smile.
"Good luck. I know you will help us win" he said before skating off.
For the teams where:Billy, me, Moody, Gilbert and Cole. Against Samual, Charlie and three other boys from school who I couldn't remember the names of.
Anne wanted to drop the puck so we let her. Billy was up against Samual for the drop.
"Ready boys?" Anne asked and we all responded with a resounding yes. "Let the game.....begin!" She drops the puck and rushed to the side where the others where sitting to cheer.
Billy gets the puck and goes to the side where Charlie was goalie. He passes it to Gilbert who then hits it to the goal but Samual gets it. He skates my way and passes it. I watch the puck to be prepared whatever angle it came from. Billy was chasing the boy with the puck. The puck gets passed back to Samual and he goes in for the shot but I deflect it and pass it to Billy who skates to the other goal with the boys close on his tail. He passed it to Cole who shoots and scores for us. I cheer from my place and so does the team. I hear Jane, Diana, Ruby and Anne cheering also. The others must be cheering for the others.

After another hour or so of playing we where all getting tired but we where tied.
"It's four to four on the lake everyone! This is game point" Anne calls out. The puck drops again and Samual gets it. The puck goes back and forth, and back and forth so much. I was freezing and sweating at the same time. I was breathing heavy and I could see my breath in the air. But I was ready to deflect the puck if it came my way. And it did. I deflected it and it went to Billy again. Who takes it and finally scores again! I cheer for him loudly. That was game. I skate to Billy who was surrounded by our team cheering for him.
"Incoming!" I shout. Revenge time. I skate full speed at him. The other boys move as I wrap my arms around Billy and we skate to the end edge of the lake. He falls in the snow but I stay standing.
"Ha! Got ya back!" I smile laughing. He looks up at me laughing also. I hold out my hand to help him up. He sits up and grabs my hand. He was about to get up but he smirked and I knew what was gonna happen a split second before he did it. He pulls me down with him. I land on top of him. I prop myself up on my hands and look down at him.
"S-sorry" I stammer. My cheeks heating up yet again.
"It's ok" he chuckled. I get up and brush myself off.
"Can I help you up this time or are you just gonna keep pulling me down with you?" I ask.
"I'll get up" he held out his hand and I grab it, pulling him up. He gets back on his skates. I go behind him and brush the snow off his back. I go back to the front of him. "Nice playing" I smile
"You too." He said. "We make a good team...why aren't you wearing gloves?" He said noticing my hands.
"Oh they don't get too cold." I say. "My cheeks on the other hand" I feel my face which was almost numb.
Billy takes off his green scarf with strips and puts it around my neck. He wraps it over my lips and cheeks.
"Thank you Billy" I say through the scarf. "You're welcome" he smiled.
I hear skates coming to is so I turn my head. I see Samual. "Hey we should head home and get warm. Mama said she would make coco"
My eyes light up. "Yes!" I turn to Billy. "Do you and your sisters want to come over? I'm sure mama won't mind" I say
"Sure!" Billy said.
The three of us go to Prissy and Jane. "Hey girls. You two wanna come over to my house for coco?" I ask.
"I should head home" Prissy said.
"I should too" Jane said. "You want us to tell mom where you are Billy?"
He nodded. I would get to drink hot coco with Billy. Alone. Oh dear.
I walk off the lake and I change into my boots. I  tie the laces together and put it over my shoulder like before. Jane walks over to me and I stand up.
"You had fun today?" She asked with a sly smile.
"You know it." I giggle.
"Have fun with Billy at your house. If you kiss, tell me!" Jane giggled.
"We won't." I sigh. We hug and she leaves with her sister.
"Jessie!" Samual calls to me and I look over at him. He had an armful of the hockey stuff. "I'm gonna help the guys put the stuff away!"
I give him a thumbs up and I walk to Billy who was ready to go. "Ready for my mama's famous coco?" I ask.
He nodded "Oh definitely" he smiled. The two of us walk to my house.
"You played amazing today" He said as we walk.
"Why thank you. You did too" I say. "It was so much fun"
"It was." He nodded smiling at me.
There was a moment of silence before I speak up again. "You sad Josie wasn't here to cheer for you?" I ask. I just wanted to know how he felt about her. That's all...maybe.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"I herd she didn't want to come because I was here..." I mutter.
"Well then I'm not sure" he said. "I'm guessing you two aren't friends?"
"You guessed correctly" I sigh. "She's a flat out bully" I grumble
"What has she said?"
"Anything and everything about my appearance" I say "Either my dress is too dark of a color. Or my hair is too curly, or my shoes are too dirty... not to mention any nasty remarks when-" I look at Billy but then look at the ground quickly.
"When what?"
"When I talk to you. She says some nasty stuff when she sees me talk to you"
"But why?" He asked confused.
"I think she is in love with you" I say. "So she gets jealous every time we talk. She has basically claimed you"
"Oh..." he said.
"Sorry for rambling" I say.
"No it's ok" he said "Thanks for letting me know"
"You should ask her to dinner. You two would make a cute couple" it hurt to say that but I had to act casual.
"No thanks..." he said.
"Why not? She's a pretty blonde, like you" I say. "Blond I mean" I blush.
He chuckled. "Still no thanks" he said
"I won't push it" I giggle.
I walk up the steps to my house and I open the door. Billy and I walk in.
"Mama I'm home!" I call out. "We played Hokey and I won!"
"We won" Billy corrects me as we both take off our jackets and wonder gear.
"We won" I chuckled. "Leave your skates by the door, they will dry off then before you leave" I tell him. He nodded and does so. I put my skates down also. I hang up my coat then I unbuckle my pants.
"Woah woah I'm right here" Billy smirked.
"Oh hush I have my dress on under with my stockings" I chuckled and take off the pants. I fluff out my dress as I fold up my pants. "Make yourself comfortable Billy" I smile. "I'll be back" he nodded and goes to sit down.
I rush upstairs to my room. I walk in and head to my dresser. After putting my pants away I check myself in the mirror. I make sure I look ok before heading back downstairs. I see Billy and my mother talking in the living room. I get suddenly nervous about what they are talking about.
"I see you have met my mother" I walk up to them.
My mother looks at me and smiled.
"Yes she is a wonderful lady" Billy said.
What words were coming out of his mouth.
"And he is a sweet boy" mama walks past me and winks as she heads to the kitchen "Hot coco coming right up!" She said as she enters the kitchen.
"She didn't embarrass me did she?" I asked turning to him.
"No, she was pretty surprised to see a strange boy in the house" he sits down on a couch and I sit with him.
"Of course she was. She probably thought I was turned into a fit blond boy, but I kept the brown eyes" I chuckled.
He chuckled also. "I told her where your brother was and he would be here soon"
"Thank you" I say.
"Your cheeks are still red, are you still cold?" He reaches up and the back of his pointer finger gently strokes my cheek. "You're still freezing" he said a little worried.
"Normally what happens" I say, my cheeks start to heat up making them warmer.
"You're getting warmer" he said, the back of his fingers gently stroking my cheek.
I nod and we make eye contact as he does. The door opens and I look over to it, Samual walks in and stomps the snow off his boots. Billy pulls his hand away from my face. My heart skips a beat. Samual looks at us after he takes off his boots.
"Hey guys" he said seeing us watching him.
"Hey Sam" I smile and wave. He takes off his coat and heads into the kitchen.
I look over at Billy again. He looks at me. We sit in silence before mother walked in with a platter and two steaming cups of hot coco with a tea pot full of the chocolaty goodness.
"Thanks mama" I smile.
"Thank you Mrs.Gray" Billy added
"You are very welcome" she heads back to the kitchen.
We both pick up a mug and take a sip. Billy's eyes widen.
"This stuff is amazing" he said surprised.
I chuckled "Right?!" I sip my coco again and smile. The heat from the drink flows through my body. "Mother would make me it when I was upset. She hasn't made it since I was maybe 10" I smile.
"I'm definitely coming over more often" he smiled.
"Just for the coco?" I ask looking at him over my mug as I sipped again.
"There definitely is something else" he smirked at me.

Jessie with an i | Billy Andrews Where stories live. Discover now