Chapter twenty six

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The school year went on and my secret relationship with billy went on as well. We would meet up every so often somewhere for dates and being together in private. It was killing me I couldn't talk about us publicly. And also I couldn't hug or kiss his cheek in school. But I stayed strong since I knew that he loved me and I did have him. While we where in school and in public, our relationship was just like before. We would talk and he would tease me, I would tease him back. Josie Pye got so much worse. Since she obviously didn't know about us all she did was flirt with him. But billy assured me that he would always be mine and only mine. I trusted him. And he trusted me.

I had known about Prissy and Mr.Philips relationship since the first day but I didn't know they would get married. According to Prissy, they where engaged and ready to wed. The wedding would be soon in the church. She wished she could have bridesmaids but her mother only wanted family in the wedding party. So just Jane and Billy up there with them. I was ok with that. I luckily helped her get ready. Along with the other girls. When me and Prissy where talking about the whole thing, she said that he wasn't allowing her to go to collage. I said that was ridiculous. She agreed but we pushed the subject aside. On the day of the wedding, I wore a light blue dress with my hair half up and half down. The rest of the girls where in very pretty dresses. We all talked as Prissy got ready. All smiling and laughing. Anne says something and made Prissy very nervous. Her mother rushed us all out.
The wedding begins and we all sit down in the church, me with my family. Billy was all dressed up and Jane was on the opposite side. Mr.Philips was there waiting. Prissy walks down the isle looking beautiful as always. I smile and admire her in the wedding dress. Part of me imagined it was me, and Billy was waiting for me. That made me smile even more. But I stopped the thought and focused on Prissy. We watch the wedding go on. I would make eye contact with Billy every so often, making me smile. When it came to the vows something comes over Prissy. Her face falls and so does mine. Something was wrong. After a few moments, she rushed down the isle and out of the church. All the girls get up quickly and rush out after her, me with them.
"Prissy!" Anne called out.
We all run after her. She falls in the snow and stays there for a second before we hear laughter. We all smile in relief before we help her up. We all laugh and smile. Getting in a circle holding hands. One side of me was Jane and the other side was Prissy. We dance around holding hands. Giggling and smiling. In my eyes, she made the right choice. Prissy is a remarkable woman who deserves to go to collage. She will probably find a much better man in collage then Mr.Philips. So I wasn't worried. I would miss her. She was kinda like a big sister. Then again I was the sister that Prissy and Jane never had. I was happy to be so close to both of them.

Since Mr.Philips was left on the altar, he was so embarrassed to the point where he quits teaching and moves away. I was so happy to hear about that. I never liked him and he never liked me. Me and my mother where talking in the kitchen and she was telling me about the new teacher.
"Well the new teacher is a female."
"Ooo!" I smile.
"She was late to a feminist meeting. She was dressed in pants! In pants!" My mother said.
My eyes light up but I keep it from my mother. I knew she didn't like females wearing pants. I took a note to wear pants on Monday to school. I was already excited. She told me about the motorbike and how she rode with someone's husband to the meeting since her bike broke down. I knew that there would be so many rumors about her. I didn't care. I was excited to meet her.
Monday comes and I dress in my boy clothes. Just like I planned. I hid it under a skirt and a jacket so my mother won't be able to see. Once I left the house, I ditched the jacket and skirt under a bush. I rushed to class as if I was late and I left Samual in the dust. He knew what I had up my sleeve as I rushed to the schoolhouse. I walk inside and take off my hat, I put my lunch away also.
"Why are you wearing that again?!" Jane asked.
I look up. "Because I felt like it" I smile.
"What are you up to Jess?" She asked raising a brow.
"I just felt like wearing it ok?" I walk past her and to my desk with my bag.
Billy walks up to my desk. "Why are you..." he mumbled looking at me.
"I just felt like it" I say.
"There's no reason?" He asked.
"Do I have to have a reason to wear what I want?" I say raising my brows at my love.
He shakes his head and raised his hands in surrender as he leaves my side.
I sigh and sit down. The rest of the class talks and take their seats. Time goes by and Mrs.Stacy didn't show up at all yet. We all wait and talk. The door opens and all eyes turn to the door. She walks into the classroom and fumbles with a large globe in her arms. It drops to the floor and rolls down the isle. Stopping at my desk. I get up and pick up the globe. Mrs.Stacy walks to me.
"I guess you could say I put the world at your-" she stops talking as she looks me up and down.
"Pants...on a girl" she said.
My face falls as the tone in her voice changes. I hand her the globe.
"They are comfortable aren't they?" A smile appears on her face and then in mine.
I nod. "Better to take over the world with." I slip my hands in my pockets.
Mrs.Stacy nodded and heads to her desk to start the day.

Jessie with an i | Billy Andrews Where stories live. Discover now