Chapter 3- Sibling clashes!

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Zaik's POV

"I am leaving i want the whole work done within an hour!" I yelled at the employee. My mood was just so off today. And moreover these freaking  people are getting on my nerves.

"Sorry sir!" He mumbled looking down. As i was exiting the office i heard someone say "looks like Mr. Devil is in a bad mood today" i shot all of them a death who quickly got back to work.

I headed off to Safina's University and got there in no time because i was already late. I quickly rushed to the building and found the college almost empty.

Alizeh and Safina had gotten too close over the past two weeks. Maybe i can hope to find them together. I grew worried with every passing second. I looked for Alizeh. On the farthest end of the hallway i saw a petite frame locking the locker. That was her! I quickly ran up to her. "Hey" i say panting. She turned around surprised. I was breathing heavily. "What?" She asked casually. To hell with her attitude. I closed my eyes to control myself. This is not the time to argue i convinced myself.

"Did you see Safina? Was she with you" i asked. "No? What happened to her is she okay?" She asked looking concerned. "Hell not! She's nowhere to be seen. And her phone is damned switched off" i say in one go. I did'nt want to inform mom and dad knowing that they would be worried.

We stood there in the silence aimlessly. My phone rang and i quickly picked it up. After talking to mom i felt relief. "She's in the centre square mall!" I informed Alizeh. I was mad at her for not informing me. She always told me wherever she went.

We rushed to my car. Once i got in i saw her figuring out which seat to take. I slid down the window. "What on earth! Just get in the front seat" i yelled. She quickly sat on the seat next to me and buckled the seat belt. I glanced at her through the corner of my eye to see her shift uncomfortably on her seat probably due to our closeness. Urgh girls and their antics!

I dashed to the destination all fuming with anger with Alizeh striding behind me. We looked for her. After an hour we were exhausted my legs were wobbly. What if something happens to her. So many negative thoughts were flooding through my mind. Suddenly i bumped into a lady wearing niqaab and abaya only her eyes visible. "I am so sorry" i said moving back. She quickly hushed and nervously started walking away. "Safi let's go what if your brother comes in search of you." I saw a young looking man say coming to her.

The lady's eyes went wide like saucers. Now, i get it. I rolled up my sleeves fuming with anger. Safina took off her niqaab and rushed to me. "Bhaiyu... Please.. I am..." She said trembling with fear. I walked up to that stupid guy. "Who are you?" I yelled. "Saad?" He said. He remains silent. "I don't care who you are what are you doing with my sister? How is she related to you." I ask my voice at the maximum pitch. "Your sister's boyfriend" he says in equal tone as mine. "You have no idea whom you are messing up with! I know my sister will never cross her limits. How dare you speak so low of her?" I shout agitated.

I was loosing my temper.

Alizeh's POV

i was in tears not able to digest the situation. "Bhai leave him!" Safina was begging for the nth time. "Zaik please let go off him!" Our words were in vain. He continued punching and hitting him in defense he was also hitting zaik back leaving a few bruises on his face.

"Safina do something!" I mumbled helplessly, i dont know why i felt so much worried for him! The guy who i hated the most in the past week. God knows why i feel concerned all of a sudden. The bruises on him were hurting me as well.

"Bhai stoppp! Yes i do love him! We are in love.. This is why i always said i wanted a bhabi, someone who would have mutual understanding because i knew i could never share all this with you. I knew you would react this way.. " she say the last part barely audible. Zaik let go off him. His face looked expressionless. He started walking away to the parking lot. Not knowing what to do i followed him silently. I was deeply disappointed by Safina's act. She fell down on the ground crying and Saad consoled her. I think i should leave them alone.

"Get in the car i will drop you home." He said softly. I nodded and sat on the seat rooted on my spot.

He waited for Safina to come. After a few minutes she came running and hopped on to the back seat. He drove in full rage. The silence through the ride was killing me. How would they deal with it! I hope it gets better.

Before i could complete my thoughts "here we go" i heard him say. I turned to look at safina. I gave her a sad smile. "Thank you" i said facing him. He nodded smiling back. Uhh he looks so cute while smiling. I wish he would be so sweet every time.I mentally face palmed myself for such haraam thoughts.

It felt good when he was sweet and not bitter. I rang the doorbell and Esha opened it. "Where have you been?" She asked like a suspicious detective. "Was that Zaik" she squeeled. "Hell yeah" i said sarcastically. "Who did you come with?" Mom asked coming in view. "I took the cab" i said before Esha could spread the news.

Mom always liked Esha more than me god knows why, maybe because she was the eldest it did hurt at times. But i manage it on my own. Being my own savior. And the same goes with dad. At times i feel really left out but i deal with it.

I quickly scurried up to my room to have my 'me time'..

Little later did i realize that i hadn't executed my revenge plan. I decided to let it go because he was really  worn out today. Maybe Dua was right. I wondered.

Zaik's POv

"Bhaiyu i am sorry! I really am! Please talk to me. Atleast shout at me Bhaiyu don't stay silent...." Safina whined with tears in her eyes. Seeing her cry was killing me. But i was deeply disappointed that she hid such a big thing from. "Was'nt i a great brother Safi! I tried my best did'nt i? please tell me where did i lack ." I mumbled. "No bhaiyu, you were just so perfect but you won't understand there are circumstances where a girl requires a companion who would have mutuality between them. And you know i don't have any friends." She explained.

It was true Safi never really liked being around people. "So in short you want me to get married" i stated. She nodded smiling devilishly.

I slapped her arm playfully. "Faida mat utao( dont take advantage) " i said rolling my eyes. She laughed.

"By the way tell me about him" i said seriously. "Tell what ?" She asked munching on some cookies. "That what special did you find in him. And i want his full details and from now on your not having any hangouts with him" i stated. "Okay my overprotective brother. His name is saad i met him a year ago in when i joined University but we never got along well, but eventually he brought me out of my safe shell and encouraged me to face the world. I felt he was really perfect for me. I swear bhaiyu i have never had anything out of limits with him. I barely touched him. Bhaiyu will you not help me out?" she explained. With hope in her eyes.

I smiled at her words. "Hmm.. Okay.. But i need to research about him first through my sources" i told her. She nodded. "You are grown up so much!" I mumbled sadly. She hugged me. "No bhaiyu i am always your little baby sister. You're my first priority always!" She said. Her words literally brought tears in my eyes so i quickly averted the topic . "Okay now enough of emotional drama lets have dinner and better wipe away those tears before mom finds out!" I said leaving the room.

Hey guys what do you think did Alizeh start liking Zaik already? Alizeh's life is pretty simple not knowing what destiny has in store for her. Stay tuned for further updates. Please vote and comment yours below.

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