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After they ordered pizza they talked a bit and ate pizza of course. Jennie decided it was time to leave, she had been there for a long time. Her 'scene' taking more than half of it.

To be honest it felt good. Kissing her crush and hiding it behind her vampire self. It felt awesome. Her lips are like heaven and her neck was where she wanted to live. It all was so fantastic and she was going to do it for as long as it wasn't suspicious.

"I guess its time to leave, mhm we'll see eachother soon." Jennie hugged Jisoo tightly.

"I'll come back in a few days to let your revolver okey? I will call you tommorow!" Jennie gave Jisoo a little kiss on her cheek, smirked and left.

Jisoo was again shocked, what had gotten into Jennie? This sudden wave of confidence Jennie has made her question things she never thought of questioning.

Why did she feel turned on? Why did Jennie even do this? Why am i not mad like i thought i would? Why didn't i push her of?

Agh!! Too many questions i don't know how to answer! This is all so fucking confusing but why?

Jisoo sighed, maybe i should just sleep and try to forget this. So that is what she did. She went to bed and stared at the ceiling for who knows how long.

She couldn't sleep.

This is so frustrating! All she thought about was Jennie and what had happened hours ago. It's already 2 am and she went to bed 8 pm. Jisoo had been thinking about this for so damn long.

Jennie seemed to be fine, she suddenly was filled with confidence and wasn't ashamed of her crush on Jisoo anymore. It felt great but she was scared about what Jisoo was thinking. She alway overthinks about lots if things important or not doesn't matter.

That is why she was worried. Not about the things she did because she liked what she did but about Jisoo overthinking and questioning herself.

Jennie was about to go to bed when the she heard knocking on her frontdoor. She got down grumpy because she just wanted to sleep.

But when she opened the door she wasn't grumpy anymore. She was beyond shocked and furious when she saw the person standing there, a filthy smirk on their face.


Hye! I have the next chapter already written so that means the next update will be faster so yay! Also another little cliffhanger! I love doing these 🙈

Also i love it when you leave comments it gives me motivation to write even if its just something really random (:

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