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It was Hallows's eve, and the Potter's family home was celebrating quite enthusiastically, their house lit up in a warm glow of red and orange lights. No one could even dream of the events that were about to one but the Dark Lord himself and his supporters.

A black mist swirled into existence in an abandoned alleyway and a shadow-shrouded figure stepped out. He was tall and gaunt, with pale, veiny skin. His features were reptilian, his face hollowed and sunken with a pair of piercing crimson eyes. He wore a black set of robes with a high Mandarin collar and a flowing, rippling black cloak. Lord Voldemort - for that was his name - was here. Or at least, he was thought to be the true Dark Lord...

Voldemort strode across the street, his every move controlled, his robes fluttering softly in an invisible breeze. Reaching the door of the Potter Household, he wandlessly cast a "Bombarda!", and the flimsy wooden door exploded into a million pieces. James Potter only had time to shout "Lily! He's here! Hide the children" before he was blasted back into the wall with a quick "Stupefy".

He walked up the stairs to a door with a paper sign that read "Harry and Godric's room". He sighed and reluctantly ripped open the door. He hated spilling magical blood, but it had to be done, after all, the child was prophesied to be his downfall. The mother, Lily, was no trouble at all - she probably hadn't even heard James's warning and was facing the crib, back to the door. A succession of "obscuro" and "Petrificus Totalus" quickly took care of her. Voldemort took a quick look around at his surroundings, a children's room. One side of the room was done up in Gryffindor colours, garish, clashing scarlet wallpaper and golden banners, with a huge sign that read "Godric". A child's crib could be seen in the corner, a wood crib with countless toys surrounding it. A baby lay in the crib, who had curly auburn hair and tiny, beady hazel brown eyes that stared greedily out of a wide face. He was chubby, loud and boisterous as he screamed for his mother, who was lying on the floor next to his crib. Feeling an approaching migraine, he quickly shut the baby up with a silencing charm.

The other side of the room was done up in lighter, more calming colours. Gone was the garish, clashing scarlet and gold, it was instead replaced with a pale viridian and silver. On the wall was a black and white plaque with the name "Harry" emblazoned on its surface. A baby's crib made of metal sat in the corner, with only a single stuffed bear in the crib. The baby in the crib was vastly different from his twin, with messy, dark hair and tanned skin, with little to no baby fat left on him. He had bright emerald green eyes that seemed to sparkle with curiosity and wisdom beyond his ages. When Voldemort saw the eyes, he knew immediately that was the one that was prophesied to kill him, and resolved to do it quickly and painlessly. Raising his wand, he said the dreaded words of the Killing Curse and watched on as the bright green light of the Killing Curse sped towards the child, only to rebound of an invisible shield that flared black and silver for a moment. Eyes widening, he could do nothing but stare, hearing something behind him explode and the wailing of a baby as the beam of bright, neon light that was the killing curse came closer, and closer.....

The world went black. 

Meanwhile, James Potter was just beginning to come to his senses. Rubbing his hazel eyes, he stared groggily out around the trashed living room until his eyes widened, and he realised. 

"LILY!" He ran up the stairs, now fully awake, running to his wife and kneeling before her prone body. "LILY!" He shook her body before leaning in and hearing for a pulse. Hearing a steady pulse, he cast a quick "Rennervate", praying that this would revive her. Lily's eyes flew open as she blinked around before she came to her senses.


They each ran to one of the cribs, lifting out the babies and examining them. Godric had a scar on his cheek, in the shape of a crude "S" that looked as if it had been slashed in, while Harry had a scar on his forehead in the shape of a lightning bolt, which looked as if it had been burnt in.

"We have to call Dumbledore, he will be able to tell us who the real boy-who-lived is."

Minutes later, Dumbledore stepped in through the couple's floo. Lifting up each child and examining them both clearly, he proclaimed the words that would forever change both the boys' lives for good, inadvertently setting in motion a chain of events that would change the world.

"I declare Godric Potter the Chosen One, the Boy-Who-Lived, the Saviour of the Wizarding World."

A/N: Hello everyone! I recently discovered the cliched world of WBWL stories and noticed that there was a shortage of Drarry! So, I'm here, creating this book 😊 Bai!

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