Hogwarts-Bound (Part 1: The Express)

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Last on Harry Potter, Boy-who-was-neglected:

Time to leave, he thought as he strode through the doorway, going downstairs and apparating to the station, where he ignored the shocked expressions on Lily and James's faces, looking every inch the pureblood heir as he glided onto the scarlet train, tailed by a snake and with a raven perched on his shoulder.

Oh yes, Harry Potter was coming to Hogwarts...and he was ready.

"If I cannot bend Heaven...I will raise Hell." 

As Harry glided effortlessly into the train compartment, he was met by many stares, mostly stemming from the strong aura of magic he had around him. Unaffected, he continued his journey to Draco's compartment, where he'd told Harry he would be sitting. Opening the compartment door, he was tackled over by a hug from Draco, who grinned so wide that Harry thought his face would split in two. 

"Harry, you're here! How have you been?"

Harry chuckled, amusedly shaking his head.

"Draco, it's been two weeks since you last saw me at the robe shop, and we've kept in frequent contact by owling - well ravening in my case -  each other. What could have happened?"

Draco drawled in his most uninterested voice.

"Oh I don't know, you could have done anything, you've got a penchant for trouble!"

The two continued their playful banter until the trolley lady stopped outside their compartment door.

"Anything from the trolley, my dears?"

As he saw the mountains of sweets and pastries piled high, Harry suddenly began to feel hungry, remembering that in his haste, he'd skipped breakfast. He asked for 3 pumpkin pasties and a chocolate frog, while Draco bought a cauldron cake and a bag of Bertie Bott's every flavour beans. For a long time there was only the munching of treats in the compartment, which soon lapsed into a companionable silence as Draco fell asleep on Harry's shoulder, and vice versa.

When Draco came to, he felt as if he were lying on a soft pillow, but then his pillow groaned and moaned, at which point he sprung back, pale cheeks painted with an adorable blush as an emerald green eye lazily opened and blinked back at him. The owner of the brillant green eye had a smirk on his face as he observed the other's blushing face, speaking in a slow, drawling voice.

"Draco, it's time to go, surely you don't want to stay in the compartment till the end of the school year?"

"Oh yes, I'm coming! (Not like THAT you dirty minded prats) Wait up Harry, you're so much taller, it's unfair!" 

He only laughed and slowed down a bit, a snake trailing afte....wait a SNAKE???? Draco ran up to Harry, just managing to get in the same boat as him.

"There was a snake trailing after you Harry!"

He only chuckled, a deep, rich velvety sound.

"I know, she's my familiar Frigdor. Frigdor, come out and say hello to Draco!"

"Wait you can speak Parseltongue and you didn't tell me?? Harry Potter, you have a lot of explaining to do!"

"Okay, okay, I'll explain up in the dorms, happy?"


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