Malfoy, Draco Malfoy.

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Clutching his Hogwarts letter in one hand, dressed in transfigured black robes and with his snake Frigdor coiled under his sleeve,  Harry Potter walked towards the floo, trailing behind his twin Godric. 

"The Leaky Cauldron!"

He smoothly stepped out of the floo to The Leaky Cauldron, hiding a smirk as he watched Godric furiously brushing his clothes and hair free of soot and simultaneously musing at Lily and James's strange actions. They'd never taken the muggle way to Diagon Alley, always flooing directly, why start now? Of course, it could be yet another (failed) attempt by Lily to introduce her "Precious little Goddiekins" to the muggle world.

Harry watched as James tapped the correct brick and the stone wall creaked, moving and reassembling itself into an arched doorway. Diagon Alley loomed in front of the family, with its bustling streets and closely packed buildings. Slipping away swiftly right before the paparazzi swarmed him, he glided across the twisting streets before reaching Twilfitt and Tattings, the less popular robe store. As he paid and sat down for measurements, the door creaked open and the most handsome boy he'd ever seen swept in, followed by a imposingly beautiful woman and a man who stopped outside the store, waiting. The boy had white-blond hair which fell onto his forehead, aristocratic features that rivalled his own and the most beautiful silver eyes (Yes I'm giving him the hairstyle from a later book, I like it) , while the woman had long blond hair with brown streaks and robin's egg blue eyes. Harry couldn't see much of the man outside, but could just make out similar features to the boy and long blond hair. He instantly knew who they were - The Malfoys. James had often talked about them and the "no-good" Lucius Malfoy, but apart from that, he had no knowledge of the illustrious pureblood family. Looking on as the family paid and the boy sat down, he turned to face the boy.

"Hogwarts too?"

"Yes, I'm here getting my robes done as well. Who are you?"

"Potter, Harry Potter. You? I know you're a Malfoy from James, the stupid old git who is unfortunately my father."

The young Malfoy chuckled, a beautiful sound in Harry's opinion.

"Malfoy, Draco Malfoy. It's good to know you have nothing to do with your family, they're a bunch of stuck-up entitled louts who think that just because their - and here he imitated Lily in a high pitched sound which had both the boys bursting into laughter - Precious little Goddiekins is the boy-who-lived they can boss us around!"

"Yes, I definitely agree with that. Now, what house do you think you'll be in? I think it'll go for us both that we'll be in Slytherin, yes?"

"Ha, of course we are. You're basically a snake in a lion's den!"

Draco's mother, who, until this point was sitting in a green velvet armchair waiting for Draco's robes to be finished as she read a book, smiled upon hearing her son chuckle. She stood up in a graceful, swift movement  and quietly glided over, her emerald dress flowing behind her. What she saw amazed her - a boy with messy raven hair, aristocratic features and bright, gleaming emerald eyes was laughing with her son, who was looking as happy as one could be. In that instant, Narcissa knew her little boy had a true friend. Standing behind them, she cleared her throat.

"Draco, who is this? You must introduce him to your dear mother!"

Draco jumped a foot high and looked at her.

"Mother, you gave me such a scare! This is Harry Potter and he's Godric Potter's twin but from what he tells me, there's no love lost between the two of them, or anyone in the family, really." 

Narcissa smiled indulgently and looked at the two of them.

"Well, I'm Narcissa Malfoy and I'm Draco's mother! It's very nice to meet you, but I'll be off - got to track down Draco's father Lucius!"

And with that she strode elegantly out of the shop, a secret smile on her face. For she knew in the way only a mother could that the raven-haired boy with the bright emerald eyes was going to be a friend for life to her dearest Draco - perhaps even more, and she  couldn't be prouder.

A/N: Cissy KNOWS!!!!! And she ships it!!!!! Also, in the remaining trip, he purchased all his school materials 

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