I will raise Hell.

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Almost all were sound asleep at the ungodly hour of 6:00 except for a few early house-elves who'd started to make breakfast for their misters and mistresses and a little boy who'd just awoken in his (transfigured) double bed with its emerald green silk sheets and luxurious velvet drapes. Stretching like a cat, he hopped out of bed, levitating his newly acquired wand (11" long, made of holly, and a phoenix feather core) and his calendar onto his bedside table. Grabbing his nearby quill, he ticked off the last box of the month, grinning. He would not be forgotten again, at Hogwarts, he would excel and James and Lily would see how wrong they were. Gently lifting his wand and putting it in the holster that he'd purchased for only 3 galleons in Knockturn Alley (the best prices could often be found there) and rushed to the bathroom to maintain his personal hygiene by brushing his teeth and taking a shower. Dressing in his newly acquired Hogwarts robes, a pair of pressed black dress slacks, a white dress shirt and a cashmere vest, he styled his bed head into an effortlessly messy style. (After all, it's part of the charm!)

He then accioed his trunk to him and begin packing, fitting in his clothes, toothbrush, textbooks, a bottomless bag (which he did the enchantments for), his money bag connected to his Gringotts vault (He had 4000 galleons to his name, earned over 2 summers by working at Slug and Jigger's Apothecary, sorting ingredients and brewing simple healing potions), a birdcage belonging to his jet-black raven who was perched on his shoulder and his snake's terrarium. Closing his trunk and buckling it up, he cast a shrinking charm on it until it was small enough to be a handbag.

Calling for his snake Frigdor and lifting the shrunken trunk, he checked the time: 8:00. The train left at 8:45 Time to leave, he thought as he strode through the doorway, going downstairs and apparating to the station, where he ignored the shocked expressions on Lily and James's faces, looking every inch the pureblood heir as he glided onto the scarlet train, tailed by a snake and with a raven perched on his shoulder.

Oh yes, Harry Potter was coming to Hogwarts...and he was ready.

"If I cannot bend Heaven...I will raise Hell."

Harry Potter, Boy-who-was-neglectedWhere stories live. Discover now