Rose always knew that she was part English, obviously. She also knew that she was part Mexican (Her mother was Mexican) and she also knew that she was part German (Her gran Theodora had spoken fondly of her grandmama Luise, who was from Hesse-Darmstadt.) She just wanted to say something.
The shock was immense.
"How?" she kept whispering to herself.
After saying "How?" for the umpteenth time, Hilda gently placed her hand on hers. It was warm and friendly.
"Thanks." she said.
Hilda smiled.
"Today was hectic, wasn't it?" Rose sighed.
"Absolutely. I found out I have a mother and a twin, and that my mum's name is Emily and my twin's is Elizabeth, and I found out that I'm to go to Blackwood Academy for Girls, then I get bullied and called CAVEMAN because I don't know where a - what was it? - universe button, I think - is, then I meet a fake university student that tried to become American, and then I get Uma, the greatest cat of all time, then I am accused of bank robbery, then I get scared to death and attacked, then they tell me it was a test and I passed, oh and then I find out my new friend-" Hilda paused for a bit, looking at Rose uncertainly.
Rose looked shocked for a while, too. She never had a friend of her own in her life. It was only Bianca-her mum's best friend's- daughter, Guadalupe. And they weren't the best of friends, just talking when the mums got together. This is your chance, Rose. "Yeah, you're my friend." Rose grinned.
"Yes, I find out my friend is a long-lost relative to the British Royal Family-"
"Oh, Lady Rose Victoria Waters!" Genevieve shrieked comically. Rose didn't know whether to laugh or scream. Genevieve was really weird. But she's my friend. Two in a day!
"That was absurd." Hilda giggled. "Yeah, and now I'm going to my friend's house for a sleepover, at a house where my other friend-" she didn't hesitate this time, "is going to criticise all day and well into the night as well because her father manufactured it and she doesn't like his style."
The three girls then started laughing and even Sigismund let out a smirk. Then Dahlia and Domino started barking and Uma cowered into Hilda's lap and they laughed even more.
When they arrived at the house, Genevieve (and Rose) was relieved to find that the Huang Corp house was built in the Georgian era (What they called the era when Raymond's father George ran the company) and it looked very nice.
Rose's mum smiled wide, and see rushed up to Rose and kissed her on both cheeks.
"Rose!" she fretted, "Rose, my dear, you have been out all day."
Rose felt very sheepish. She knew that her mother was protective of her but that she did it for her own good. Rose was the daughter of Rob Waters and Carlota Castillo - Captain of the Mosham football team and top British-Mexican actress. She was bound to get kidnapped. Which is why Sigismund went to get bodyguard training.
"Sorry, Mamá. I ran into the Defence club." Rose answered, hinting.
Carlota missed the hint. "The Defence club? I should have known." Rose's mamá said, smiling. "You were always such a fighter."
Rose didn't know if that was an insult or a compliment.
Carlota then looked at Genevieve and Hilda, and her jet black eyes sparkled.
"Welcome!" she said warmly. "Do come in have some tea."
Rose could tell that her mamá had completely spell bounded her two friends. How? A boring prospect of having tea had made them very excited. However, this tea outing would be a very elaborate one.

Sisters (On Pause)
General FictionHilda is not the coolest girl. She's an orphan, lives with the ancient Mister Henry and practically has the most boring life in the universe. Then comes a letter of acceptance to Blackwood Academy for Girls; read as her life turns upside-down.