Anna - Being a Lady

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I woke up with Hannah screaming at me with half a bunch tied up.

"Willows! Wake up! For god's sake, the bloody regent Albury bloke has been calling for you half the morning!"

"Shut up!" I grumbled. "Let me sleep."

"Oh, I'm so sorry, Lady Albury," Hannah snapped, "But unless you go to the regent Albury, Hilda and I can't sleep either. You've got to do your stuff to be a Lady."

I snorted. "As if I care."

"Selfish much?" Hannah retorted. "Regent Albury is here for you. I'll tell him you'll be ready in twenty."

"Twenty minutes?" I screamed, jumping up. "Hannah - twenty minutes to get ready?"

"Nah, actually I didn't tell him anything." Hannah smirked. 

"Idiot." I grumbled. "Where on Earth is Stone, then?"

"Oh, she's also with the regent Albury."


"I don't know, don't ask me!" Hannah replied, holding her hands up like she was a convict on the way to Australia.

I sighed. 

Opening my closet, I selected a blue dress like the ones you see Kate Middleton wear, with a silver clutch handbag (from Gucci, by the way) and the most adorable cream wedges. I tied up my hair in a elegant bun (again inspired by Kate Middleton). 

"Bye, Hannah."


I walked down the corridor, deciding that the lift would make a more elegant entrance. As I exited the lift, I see a very cranky Regent Albury tapping his foot.

"Finally, Lady Anna, I have only been calling for the past two hours." Regent Albury said sarcastically.

"You should have reminded me earlier."

"I reminded you of all your meetings with myself on the 1st of September, did I not?"

"Excuse me, Regent Albury?" Hilda quipped. I gasped. I had completely forgotten that she was there. 

"Yes, Baroness Hilda?"

Wait - Baroness? How did that happen?

"We have our first lesson in ten minutes, so could you be so good to quickly wrap up what you wanted to tell us?"

"Yes, well, all I wanted to do was just explain to Lady Anna here the position of Baroness Clearwater."

"The late Georgia Spencer, nee Clearwater, married Frederick Spencer, a salesman, when she was eighteen. Georgia hid the news that she was, indeed, Baroness Clearwater from her newlywed husband, for half a decade, when she finally gave birth to her only child - a girl named Emily Clearwater Spencer. Then was when she finally revealed the truth pf her nobility. Fred, the poor man, was a salesman his whole life, his father, grandfather, great-grandfather so on salesmen as well. He fled the house by dawn.

"Georgia took splendid care of little Emily, but she died just before Emily did due to breast cancer. In her will, she wrote up the role of Baroness Clearwater to her second eldest grandchild."

"Why the second-eldest?" I asked. I was really surprised, as usually all responsibility fell on the eldest. 

"Ahh. Georgia had other aspirations. She was a twin, and only two minutes older, but that tw0 minutes stopped her from becoming an actress. So she decided for the next Baroness Clearwater, the second eldest got a chance."

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