Cheeky little trouble maker

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I wouldn't eat dinner for nana she took away mommy's shirt she said she didn't want to stain it

"No nana"

"Don't make me punish you" she said sternly

"I not care, GO AWAY"

"Listen to me young lady, I know you wish your mommy was here right now, that is no excuse to act out" she said


"Jesys not coming your stuck with me now eat"

"No" I crossed my arms

"Fine then straight up to bed you go" she picked me up I trashed around but her hold was tight

"Stopppppp let me gooooo" I yelled

She gave me 3 smacks on the bum and puts me in my crib before walking out

I continued to scream

30 minutes later I was still screaming someone came in it wasn't nana

"Stop, GET OUT, MAMA, MAMA" I cried

"Shh baby it's auntie Jess" I emedatly went into her arms

"I want my mama" I cried harder

"I know you do pumpkin I know" she rubbed my back

"Let's calm down now I got your baba and mamas shirt" she said sitting down on the rocking chair

I didn't drink the bottle but started to calm down

"Come on you cheeky little thing drink you baba" she said rubbing the nipple on my lips

"I know you want mama baby, but you have to eat something"

"Not mama"

Jesys POV

"I know it's not mama, but you have to drink it"

"No" she protested

"I really don't want to punish you" she told me sternly

"I just want my mama, why can't I see her" she said now fully out of headspace

"Baby let me tell you something" I said putting my hands on her hips securing her on my lap

"Alex he-he Hurt mommy"

"What do you mean jessy" she asked

She's so inocent poor girl

I don't want to take away her inocentce

"Alex he raped her" I continued

She broke down into my arms

"I know, I know"

" I'm so sick of this, I want to die" she sobbed into me

"Don't you ever say that ever again you hear me" I said sternly bringing her head out of my neck

She nodded

"Words" I said stern

"Yes auntie jesy"

"Good girl" I said hugging her again

"Come on babe, I'll sleep with you tonight" I took us into the guest room


"Yes baba" I looked at her

"Umm never mind" she said looking down

"No what is it baby, no need to be embarrassed angle"

"Can I have a change" she asked her cheeks turning red

"Of course, lets go downstairs to change you then you can say goodnight to nana" I nodded

"But nanas mad at me"

"No she's not, she called me cause you were a little out of control as she didn't know how to handle you"

" she's not like mama" she said looking at her lap

"I know she's a little old fashion and probably strict one you but she does it out of care" I said picking her up again I brought her downstairs and changed her

She said goodnight to Debbie and I warmed her milk again

She put on perries shirt and was practically falling asleep on my shoulder

We went upstairs I feed her

"That's right angle close those pretty eyes and give then I little rest" she crossed her eyes and soon her breathing evend out and she stopped sucking the nipple I knew she was asleep

She slept until 4 and went straight back to sleep after a change

It's now 8:00

She's starting to stirr

I hoped her would keep sleeping though she had a ruff night poor thing

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