Save her

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My mom instincts kicked in and I looked outside to Check on them

Hatchi was down by the pool but I couldn't see Bentley

Then it hit me

She fell in

My heart dropped

I ran as fast as I could over there she was floating in the water trying to keep her head up

I jumped in fully clothed and got my baby as soon as she was out she started to throw up so much water she had swallowed

"That's it baby let it all out" she continued to throw up I could see concerned man and Ellie at the back door

Bentley soon passed out into my arms
I took her inside crying

"Pezza she's alright" ellie tried to comfort

"Ellie she would have died if I didn't go out there the second I did" I said sternly

"Perrie go put the baby down and change your clothes"

"I'm not putting her down are you mad"

"Alright you right calm down, let me hold her you get you both some fresh clothes, you know what I'll do it" my mam walked up the stairs Bentley started to wake only to throw up again

"Shhh baba" I rubbed her back

She had stopped and calmed down after a couple minutes

"Can you tell mama what happened" I asked stroking her hair

"Hatchis ball fell in and he was going to get it I didn't know if he could swim so I pushed him back to go and get you or nana but her growld at me caise I pushed him he scared me and I fell" she said really fast

"Right I'm not cross baby I should have kept a better eye one you it's my fault"

"I'm sorry mommy" she said and started to cry again

"Shh baba no more tears it was an accident I'm just glad your okay" I said pulling her into my chest

She started to suckle on the top of my chest by by breast I knew she was hungry she truw up her meals from the past 3 days and probably needed some comfort after what happened

I took off me and her clothe caise we were soaked Ellie and my mam went back to cooking to give to some privacy and I pulled my baby closer to my chest

She latched on and started to suck slowly letting out a moan of pleasure (not like that nasty) at the warm milk hitting her soar throat

"Does that feel nice on your throat babygirl" she nodded and looked at at me I traced her facial features with my finger making her close her eyes and smile gently

This only brought a bigger smile to my face

I stoped to agust us slightly she wined and opened her eyes

"What baba" I asked

She reached up at my face with her hand

"You want kisses" she nodded

I unlatched her sitting her up

She smiled at me cause milk to dribble down her chin

I wiped her face with my hand before giving her soft kisses the then laid her head on my chests not latching on my just laying there

I wish this moment could last forever

𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙 Where stories live. Discover now