I miss my baby

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✌️🌻Perrie's POV🌻✌️

I sat on my bed looking threw the pictures of me and Bentley I missed her so much

I was getting depressed without my rock

I'm in a mental institution after being raped by my ex my daughter being beat, kidnapped and set on fire they thought it would be best if I stayed here for 3 weeks

I missed how she called me mommy

I missed feeding her

I missed the way her blonde hair bounces as she runs to me

I missed her stubbornness

I missed changing diapers

I missed her need to be in my arms

I missed her giggles

I missed being her mama

I started to have a bit of a panic attack

I amediatly called my mom

"Ma I-I-I can't b-b-breathe" I said once she answered

"Calm down babe deep breaths"

Once I had fully calmed down She asked what caused my panic

"I miss my baby" I said wiping my tears

"She's misses you so much babe, you know what she's doing right now"


"She's drinking your milk while holding your shirt witch I had to spray with perfume twice, watching the lm5 documentary"

I giggled

"Of course she is, has she been okay behavior wise"

"For the most part she did give jesy a run for her money the other day though"

"Oh no what happened"

"Well it was noon and jesy was trying to feed her lunch, she was having some baby food, she got fed up with jesy so she thew the bowl of baby food at Jesys face she got a smack on the thigh and 20 minutes in the corner while jesy showered"

"Oh no I'm sorry"

"Oh don't be everyone has there moments she's still the same sweet little princess"

"I'm glad ma, do you think it would upset her to much if I FaceTimed you guys"

"Let me think, umm I don't know she cried after hearing your voice today, who knows maybe it will do her good let's try"

I FaceTimed them

"Bentley I have a surprise" my mam cooed

"But mama nana" she wined pointing to the tv where she was watching me and the girls

"Look babe" she handed the phone to her

"MAMA" she yelled Her lip pocked out

"No baby don't cry" I told her wiping my own tears

"I miss woo mama, jadey said I come vist you"

"Jade told you the secret" I said and nodded and I rolled my eyes it was supposed to be a surprise

"Are you going to have fun with nana tonight tinker bell" I asked she shook her head

"Nana makin dinner, then nini time"

"Oh was she not there the whole day" I asked

"No mama jadey"

"Well did you have fun with your jadey" she nodded

"Jadey took me to the 'ark" she said cutely

"Oh she did, was it fun" she nodded eagerly

"I welly want mommy" she said going up to my mom

"I know baby, but you can see her in two days"

"How many is that benny" I asked she showed me two fingers

"Cleaver girl"

I could see in her eyes that she was slipping further

"Mama" she wined

"Yes" I wined back playfully

"More" she asked sticking up her now empty bottle

"Ask nana"

She looked up at her

"No babe you just drank two, before bed you can have another"

"Lee lee let me"

I giggled

"I'm sure lee lee did she spoils you that one"

"Mama" she gasped

"What" I looked surprised

"Lee lee let me have a bath with bubbles"

"Wow baby that's special"

I nurse tapped in the window of my room
She told me it was time to get off my phone they don't let me have it passed 6:30 PM

"I have to go baby I'll see you in two days"

She nodded sadly I knew when I hung up tears were going to be shed

"I love you my little love bug" I cooed at her

"Luv woo mama" she said her voice cracked

I hung up and burst into tears myself

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