For the love of god go to sleep

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I watched Bentley contently nursing my mam and Ellie decided to leave before it got to late now time for bed

"Alright baba goodnight mama loves you" I kissed her putting her into her crib I throughly she was kinda in between headspaces so hopefully she should go right to sleep

30 minutes later Bentley walked in my room from the looks of it she was big

I opened my arms for her and she started to cry

"Oh baba, what's wrong my love" I kissed her head as she cuddled into me

"Mama" she cried

"Mamas got you love let's calm down baby" I rubbed her back

"What up baba" I asked as she calmed down

"Can I sleep with you" she asked shyly I nodded and kissed her head I needed to go and get her some sleeping medicine she's a little pain when it comes to bed time

"How old is my baby right now"

She shook her head

"Not sure?" I asked giving her a puzzled look

She nodded I got up to go get her bottle I made it to the door before she ran to me with her cheeky little smile

"Now babygirl it's still night-night time so lay down on mommy's bed and close your eyes I'm just going to get you a baba" she nodded but her lip still poked out as she walked back to the bed

I crushed up slipping pills and a pill taht should hopefully help her slip into her headspace sence she hasn't been able to really find it the past week or so

I walked into the room Bentley was sitting on my bed I could tell she was about to cry

"Lay down baba" I said gently getting in beside her

She reached for the bottle

I have it to her and she cuddled into me

After about 25 minutes her bottle was gone

"Now baba lets go to sleep" I said closing my eyes pulling her closer

I woke up 49 minutes later to Bentley pulling at the tank top I had on

Did she sleep at all?

"Baba, not now it's bed time" I said rolling over

"Mama" she wined in the most pitiful voice ever

I couldn't ignore her

"Baby what aren't you sleeping" I asked

"Cant need mama"

"you have been in mamas bed for over an hour already I'm not going anywhere close your eyes"

"Want some" she wined pulling down my top

I smacked her hand

"No mommy said no, go to sleep or I'm putting you in your crib" she turned over I could tell she was crying

I shouldn't have hit her or raised my voice that's not going to help her fall asleep

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