Addressing the problem

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"But other people didn't think it was cute"

"What did they think it was mama" she asked absolutely breaking my heart

"They didn't like it and thought it was gross" I told her she started to tear up

"You think it's gross" she asked a tear running down her cheek

"No babygirl I think its beautiful, I think your beautiful" I reassured her

"They think I'm gross"

"Some people just don't like cute little girls like you" I told her not wanting to lie but not telling her the whole truth

She started crying I videotaped her she was breaking my heart

"Listen to mommy" she looked at me

"Say I am beautiful"

"I am beautiful" she cried I wiped her tears with my thumb holding her face in my hands

"Say I am worthy"

She stayed quiet

"Hey say it" I said soft but stern

"I am worthy" she said reluctantly

"That my girl"

"I am smart, I am kind, I am loved, I am compassionate, I am a very clever little girl" she repeated

I put it on my story

I put

Teaching baba about haters today got her in her feels 🥺

The true fans were all tagging me in post with the hashtag Bentleyisloved

"Now I'm going to start a live, and tell everyone what I just told you, your more then welcome to sit with me or go play do whatever"

"Wanna watch a movie"

I nodded

"What would you like to watch babe" I asked walking into the living room

"Uhh tangled" I nodded

I set her on the couch and kissed her cheek before putting I on

"You come see mommy when ever you want" she nodded eyes glued to the tv"

I went back and started the live

"I want to first start by saying, I will not tolerate, people saying hateful things about my daughter"

I saw a lot of supportive comments And of course still a couple hateful ones

"Our relationship is no concern to you, if you are not here to support me as a single mother trying to rase my daughter into the strong independent women I know she is"

People started to notice the single mom part I haven't announce me and Alex split

"To see from my 4 year old daughter contemplating her self worth if heart breaking as a mother" I said starting to cry

"The fact that people are coming at my daughter as a minor no matter what age is horrifying"

I noticed 5 news sources on my live


I can see it already

Little mix star talks about unfair treatment of her young daughter

Interviews will be piling up

Everyone wants to know about Alex

Bentley walked in

"Mama" she said quietly

"Yes baba" I said wiping my tears

"You okay" she asked kissing my cheek

I nodded

"Baba?" I nodded I got up with her and my phone in my arms

"They want to know about Alex, what do we say baba" I asked placing the phone proped up on the counter


𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑖𝑒𝑠 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒𝑙 Where stories live. Discover now