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I got us dressed and helped set the table for dinner I noticed Ellie and Bentley start to interact

Bentley was in her high chair and asked Ellie for some juice it's small but it's still something

"There sweetie" she said handing it to her

"Naks Elwie" she said in the cutest fucking way possible

"Good manners" Ellie prased tasing her hand for a high five

Bentley Grabbed her the high five before turning to her juice and drinking it

She spotted me and stuck her arms out

I walked over and gave her my hand

She put it on her cheek and leaned on it

"Awe sweet girl" I cooed and kissed her head

"Mama" she wined wanting to be held

"Shhh pumpkin nana made you mashed potatoes again"

She started to cry

"Baba, I think your sleepy" I told her rubbing her hair she shook her head

"Jus wan Mama" she cried I sighed and just got out her food getting a spoon full for her

"Mamas right here come on baby let's have some num nums" I held up the spoon to her mouth

She cried and didn't eat any

"Pez baby what's happening" my mama asked

"She's alright just tired" I said taking Bentley out she emedatly started calming down

I sat her on my lap while I ate

Ellie finished before me and I told her to go get Benny ready for bed

"Perrie im scared what if she crys" ellie said

"It's okay ellie she should be good right nugget" I asked looking down at Bentley

She was chewing on her fingers definitely in a deeper headspace then before

"Go to Ellie Benny" I told her stroking her hair

She gladly stuck her arms out I kissed her before the two went upstairs

10 minutes later Bentley came down in a sleeper and a pacifier in her mouth

She got down from ellies grasp

And started running to me but tripped she started to cry laying on the floor

She didn't hit that hard and wasn't crying caise she was hurt but none the less I still went over to comfort her

"Awe come here baba" I picked her up and kissed her cheek putting our heads together

"Bad" she said pointing to the floor

"Yes the floor is very bad do you want mommy to tell it off" she nodded

"No no floor you don't hurt Bentley, you dont hurt my baby" I said pointing to the ground she smiled and cuddled into me

Ellie and my mam were in awe of how cute sleepy Bentley was

She hit my breast

"What do you say Benny" I asked putting some hair behind her ears

"Pweese" she looked at me

"Clever girl" I cooed and sat down with her

"Do you mind if I nurse her" I asked my mam and Ellie

They both shook there heads i say on the couch and pulled up my top letting Bentley latch on

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