chapter 2

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[The next day we were completely ready for our so called adventure. We all told our parents we were going on a sleepover to each other's houses, wishing for them not to call our parents; and we left.

We all brought sleeping bags with us because, as long as we expected, we were going to have the spend the night in the woods.

Each of us were responsible of different needs: flashlights, clothes, water, food...



"What do you mean you forgot the food?"

Eddie, feeling all of his friends glances, replied as mad as he could.

"I wasn't the one responsible for that, Richie." he answered, defending himself. "Bill was."

"O-okay. Blame i-it on the st-stutterer."

Ben, still eating some gummy bears he got from home before leaving, stared at the discussion without intervening.

"Jesus Christ, stop saying that like it's a disability." Richie talked.

"So we don't have food for two days?" Eddie realized.

Ben, who still wasn't paying attention at the discussion, suddenly did.

"W-what?" he said, just after finishing his candy. "We don't have food?"

"Incredible realization." Richie said, sarcastically. "How did you get to that conclusion, Einstein?"

The four of them stayed in the railways as they were talking, when suddenly the sound of a train getting closer warned them of the danger.
Ben, Bill and Eddie ran away from the railways and stood on the path next to it.

On the other hand, Richie stood on the railways. The only moviment he did was throwing his backpack and his sleeping bag next to the Losers.

"W-what are y-you doing?"

"I want to dodge it..." he muttered.

The whistle kept getting closer until the train was visible. Richie stood there with the intention of avoiding the crash as soon as the train was close enough to him.

"Get off the tracks, Richie!" Eddie screamed, scared of his safety.

"Yeah, Richie! This is nuts!" Ben said.

"No. I will dodge it..." He kept saying. "I know I can..."

The train was now extremely near to Richie and the whistle got louder. The smoke of the train hit him but Richie was still on the railway.

"I will..."

But before Richie could dodge it, someone grabbed him from the back and threw him away from the tracks. Richie fell on the path and saw the train passing next to him.

"Fuck you!" Richie said, angrily. "Who was it?"

"It was me." a voice said behind him.

Richie turned around, with the intention of confronting whoever had screwed his plan but it wasn't who he was expecting.

Instead of Bill, Ben or Eddie, there was a black skinned kid wearing a denim overalls and a red cap. Richie breathed deeply, trying to calm down, and waited for the boy's explanation.

"Who are you?" Eddie asked, confused.

"I'm Mike." the kid said with a friendly smile. "Mike Hanlon."

"Well, Mikey..." Richie said, walking towards him. "thank you for ruining my plan. I was going to dodge it."

Mike shook his head and put his hands on his pockets.

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