chapter 9

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[14. That was the age I realized I had fallen in love.

Until that age I hadn't actually thought about being in love, dating someone or even marrying a person. Now, 20 years later, I'm about to walk down the aisle to finally spend the rest of my life with my true love. Nevertheless, it wasn't an easy decision to make.

I kissed Richie, for the first time, when we were 14 in a creepy forest. Even now, I can't still understand how could I have the guts to do it. Makes no sense, really.
The problems began when he kissed me back.

My early teenagers years could be summarized with me trying to comprehend my feelings for my best friend. My male best friend. I wasn't homophobic, I didn't care if I was gay but... I just... could only think about the fact that everyone was right about me: I am a faggot, after all.

It took me ages to understand that, even though my childhood bullies had always been right about my sexuality, it didn't matter because, then, it meant I could spend the rest of my days with my soulmate or... even a few weeks could have been enough.

I was so in love with Richie and I still am.

I still am.

And that's all it matters.]


"Thanks for doing the job for us, assholes." the bully said once he got down the hill.

Moments later, Patrick, Vic and Belch were standing next to him with a threatening look. They're eyes were specially focused on Bill and Eddie's red faces. Mike was just a few steps away but, apart from his brown skin, he wasn't a major target.

"Y-you can't take him." Bill said, trying to hide his trembling voice. "He i-is ours."

"Y-you s-s-say something, B-B-Billy?" Henry stuttered mockingly.

Behind him, his goons laughed at his offensive humor while Henry was walking towards Bill.

The stuttering boy stayed still with his head up; maybe he wasn't the bravest one of them all but he was sure about one thing: they had worked hard to find Will's body and they're going to take the credit for it.

Once Henry was standing in font of the little boy, he licked his own hand but before his palm could make contact with Bill's cheek, Richie, Stanley, Beverly and Ben walked in carrying some leaves and other useless material.

Richie's and Stanley's laughs suddenly vanished when they noticed the Bowers gang looking straight to them. Richie let go all of the green leaves on his hands and desperately looked for Eddie's figure: he found him standing behind Bill with a scared face. Richie sighed calmly as he realized he was okay and no one had beat him up.

"The rest of the Scooby gang!" Vic scoffed.

"Oh, I'm going to fucking beat your ass, you mullet-wearing ass-"

"Beep beep Richie." Beverly interrupted him with her cheeks glowed red.

She also wanted to fight them but she also knew they didn't have a chance to win that fight or even, walk alive out of it.

After hearing those words, Henry smiled widely at Beverly and licked his lips. The teen girl shivered and got closer to Ben.

"Good girl." Henry said with a seductive voice.

Horrified by his words, Beverly looked down, ashamed. It wasn't the first time she had heard those words with the same tone, the other times it was... her father. Beverly closed her eyes, scared that Henry would also do to her the horrible things his father did to her, and a tear rolled down her cheek.

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