chapter 11

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[Despite the fact of my mother's concern about my terrible, and also fake, asthma condition I don't remember having an asthma attack or even the breathless feeling of lacking air. That was until I heard Richie confessing with sweet and shy words, that he was in love with me for the first time.

I stared at his hazel eyes and tried to breathe deeply: that was the exact moment when I realized I had no air to breathe; there wasn't enough air for me to accept what my best friend had just confessed.

My hands started shaking and I slowly started to hyperventilate, searching in my pockets with blind faith for my salvation but all I could do was become more nervous and...



"Oh shit. Take this." Richie said taking an inhaler out of his pocket.

Eddie grabbed his inhaler desperately and pressed the button. The fake medicine ran out of the inhaler with a quick move and the small kid breathed deeply from it, trying to recover from his earlier exasperation.

Once Eddie was breathing again, he looked at the inhaler on his right hand and analyzed it.

"This isn't mine." he realized.

"Oh, um... yeah." the other boy muttered, shyly. "I bought it before we came in case you had an asthma attack or something went wrong. I wasn't sure you would-"

"You bought this?" Eddie interrupted him with his sight still focused on the inhaler. "For me?"

With his words, Richie blushed a little and rubbed his neck nervously.
Eddie had never seen Richie in such a vulnerable position and, even though he wanted Richie to be his old dumbass with his annoying voices, he find it kinda cute. It was one of Richie's sides he had never met before and he was looking forward to know them all.

"I... I don't know what to say..." Richie's voice wasn't childish anymore; he was talking seriously.

Eddie didn't know he could be able of such a thing.

"You don't have to say anything." and with a smooth move, he kept Richie's inhaler in his back pocket.

Without thinking about it twice, Eddie walked towards Richie and hugged him tightly.
Richie, surprised, wasn't expecting such a intimate action from Eddie: he thought the tiny boy would find him disgusting and he wouldn't want him near anymore.

Instead, he found himself being hugged by the love of his life.

"Eds..." he muttered while surrounding Eddie with his arms.

"I love you too, idiot." Eddie declared with his head against his chest. "I know so."

Richie looked down at him and he gently kissed Eddie's forehead. The little one chuckled and kept hugging him with his tiny arms around Richie's waist and Richie's on Eddie's shoulders.

It wasn't until they had spent some time together when Stanley's voice appeared out of nowhere.

"Stop fucking and come back!" he shouted.

"Stanley!" Beverly replied immediately.

Richie and Eddie could hear the Losers Club laughing with Stanley while Ben and Mike were copying some moaning noises.

"Gosh. I'm gonna kill them." Richie said once Eddie left his arms.


"Okay." he said touching Eddie's nose quickly. "Just because you say so."

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