chapter 20

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ten minutes later

"You guys don't understand..."

"We do, Rich." Bev told him while softly playing with his curls. "We will-"

"Eddie's in real danger."

Ben, sitting next to him and Beverly in Bill's couch, gently put his hand on Richie's shoulder but the other one refused his love touch.


"I fucking saw it!" he freaked out. "I saw the future... I mean, not the first future but the second future..."

Bev looked at her friends confused by Richie's words.

"Do you understand what he's talking about because-"

"Stop talking like I'm not here! I didn't get kidnapped and nearly killed so we can hang out in Bill's house and chill while Eddie's life hangs by a thread!"

"Okay, calm down, jeez." Stan joined. "What do you mean 'you saw the second future' ?"

Annoyed by the precious time they were losing with the talk, Richie stood up and said confidently:

"I saw him die in front of my eyes..." he tried to hold his tears back. "I have to save him. I can't live without him..."

Bill walked in Richie's direction and hugged him without saying anything. Richie's anxiety was growing inside him every second but Bill made him feel safer, less... alone.

Not later on, Bev and Ben had joined the hug and so did Mike and Stan. Richie sobbed and thanked them from his heart.

Before they could step outside the house towards the conversion therapy camp, Mike announced:

"Oh, and by the way, I made an anonymous call reporting a kidnapping in Mrs. Kaspbrak residence. The tape and the rope in Eddie's bedroom and the empty food plate with a glass of water on the floor will be suspicious enough to arrest her."

They looked at him back, amazed by his well-played game.

"Sometimes your intelligence scares me." Bev confessed.


"Stop! Get that away from me!"

"You're sick minded, Edward." the woman said, making the big syringe make contact with Eddie's skin.

"That's not my fucking name!" he kept shouting, terrified. "Help! Somebody-"

But a man had already placed a cloth in Eddie's mouth, avoiding his screams. He immediately spit it out but the liquid had already got inside him. Eddie felt a terrible pain from his veins and how his heart started beating really hard.

He started seeking for his inhaler but it was nowhere to be found.

"You won't need that anymore, Edward." the lady affirmed.

Eddie began to hyperventilate as his eyes got redder.

"What did you do to me?" he could barely talk. "Is it my new medicine?"

"No. You won't need your medicine anymore. This is your cure."

"To what?" he asked before coughing.

The woman smiled widely and looked at the man grabbing Eddie from the back.

"Your sinful thoughts. They will disappear forever."

"This isn't therapy! It's torture!"

The woman tried to caress Eddie cheek, which he quickly replied by getting his face away.

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