Prologue Part 2 - The Call to Assemble

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Bopper's narration

Now I know what you guys are thinking.

"How can things get worse?"

And you probably also thought...

"How did you get into the Resistance?"

Let me tell you, it was more open than you think it was.


Normal POV (with Bopper)

Empire City

Ben Gruff walks through the city, the streets completely empty and void of people.

To make it even more unnatural, fog across the streets and left behind cars felt even more like out of a horror film.

He reached the gym and looks around, equipment scattered everywhere from the attack.

He calls out. "Joey? Are you here?"

Ben finds a picture of himself with Joey after Ben won his last match.

Ben looks around, thinking to himself on the disaster around him. "All of this....with no hero around to beat that madman."

A voice speaks up. "Not all of them are gone, kid."

Ben turns around and was relieved to see who it was.

Ben turns around and was relieved to see who it was

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The bear smiles. "Hey V! Long time no see. What are you doing here?"

Vector walks over to him. "I was just looking for survivors from Eggman's attack here. G.U.N managed to get the army away from this city, but their too stretched out to see if anyone is stuck here."

Ben replies with a flinch. "That's not good. Did the president get out in time too?"

Vector shook his head. "Nope. Him and the military dug their feet in and turned the White House into a fortress. Not a single Egg Pawn got close to the place."

Ben asks him. "Do you need any help finding people? I'm looking for Joey to see if he survived the attack."

Vector gestures a thumb behind him. "Joey likely made it with the people leaving. But you're welcome to join the Resistance, we could use the help."

Ben shook his head. "Sorry, I'm an athlete, not a soldier."

Vector turns around and starts to walk off. "The only way we can beat Eggman is with a team. Nothing else will."

Ben follows him closely, not wanting to be left alone.

Vector adds. "If this place gets hit hard....who knows how aggressive Greenwood Falls being invaded would be."

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