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Ben's POV

I had just stopped the missiles from killing the president and bunch of other people, right now I'm chasing after Murray and Joshua, Murray was slowing down so I caught up with him and I tackled, when we got out of the cave we were immediately raked by gunfire and I got the worst of it because I was on top. 4 shots across my chest and I passed out from the pain.

Erica's POV

Before I could thank Ben he raced passed me and fell, I ran to him to see if he was ok but when I got there he was unconscious with blood all over him, I kneeled by his side and said " Ben please wake up I can't lose you I love you!" My grandpa came and immediately started doing surgery on the wounds, I didn't even know if he was still alive, I started to cry and my friends comforted me, said it was okay and Ben was going to survive but I wasn't sure, meanwhile Zoe was beating the crap out of Warren screaming things like: what were you thinking! Why! You idiot!, I wanted to that to but I wanted to make sure Ben was alright, when grandpa was done we drove to the nearest hospital and Ben went into emergency care. I slowly passed out from exhaustion onto Zoe's shoulder.
The next day
I woke up at the sound of talking and I thought that I heard Ben only has 10% of surviving and I broke down, my father came to check on me he asked why I was crying I decided to tell the truth about my feelings to Ben " I can't lose Ben, not after he just started to thaw out my iciness."
Finally the nurses came out and said we could visit him, I was the first to get there and on the bed sat Ben, before I knew what I was thinking I kissed him, and he deepened it, that was the moment everyone chose to come in, when we finally pulled away we looked like a hot pepper from the blushing. At first I was scared that Zoe would be mad but turns out she didn't really care, my grandpa well he was disgusted " what did I say about no feelings?" " sorry grandpa but I really like Ben" I said that in front of everybody.

Thank you for reading and I will update as soon as possible!😊
Also if you have any ideas or suggestions please comment them!

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