Chapter 8 - The Texts

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You sighed as you placed the last piece of clothing in your luggage. It was finally time to leave Miyagi and go back to Tokyo. Tomorrow training began for the team.You had the interhigh tournament to prepare your team for. It wasn't a big tournament quite yet, but it was still a meaningful one. You only had a few weeks before the tournament so you hadn't scheduled many practice matches, but you couldn't help thinking that another one with Karasuno wouldn't hurt. Also on that note, after the inter high was the summer camp for the Tokyo teams. This year you thought that just maybe Karasuno could join. Of course you would have to talk with the coaches of the other Tokyo teams, but you couldn't see them not agreeing.

You zipped up your bag and hauled it out into the hall where your dad grabbed it and threw it into his car. He then got into the driver's seat as your mother gave you a hug and a kiss.

" Good luck, sweetie. Just make sure to have fun with your team," she said.

You nod and slip into the passenger's seat. Your dad starts up the car and drives out of the driveway and onto the road. You pull out your phone and put some earbuds in. You begin to play some music and then go to your messages. You had no new ones, but your finger hovered over Ukai's phone number for a moment. You continued to stare at the phone number, your finger hovering over the button. You debated for a while just to send him a message, but you took a deep breath and clicked off your phone.

Get a grip on yourself (y/n)! There is no way that he likes you.

You turn your head to stare out the window and let your thoughts wander. First you thought about the training you had prepared, but they eventually drifted to Ukai, and if he liked you are not. Soon enough you fell asleep, your face pressed against the car window.


You woke as your dad drove into your driveway. You yawned and rubbed your cheek on the side that had been smashed up against the window. You unbuckled yourself and gave your dad a kiss before pushing open the door and grabbing all your stuff out of the trunk. Night had already fallen, and you knew it was going to be a long day tomorrow. You wave goodbye to your dad and take the keys out of your pocket and unlock the door. You pushed it open and into your house. You sigh as you look around the familiar space.

You drop your stuff by the front door, not caring to unpack it at the moment. Since you had slept most of the ride to Tokyo, you weren't all that tired so you flopped onto the couch and turned on the TV. You flipped through the channels for a while till you landed on one with a volleyball game playing. As you were getting comfy your phone buzzed, which startled you.

You pulled out your phone to see who texted you and you did a double take.

One new message from Keishin Ukai, Your phone read.

You unlock your phone and go to your messages and open up his.

Keishin Ukai

Did you get home okay?


You stare at the words, in shock, before you tap out your reply.

Yeah. Was big old Ukai afraid for me?

You click off your phone figuring that was the end of that conversation, but was surprised when your phone buzzed again. You turned it back on and opened it to the conversation once more.

No, just wanted to make sure someone didn't take out my rival

You snorted and typed back,

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