Chapter 9 - Practice Matches

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The following day as you were watching the last of your students leave, your phone buzzed. You took it out of your pocket and looked at the phone. An unknown number was calling you, so you almost dismissed it, before you remember what Ukai said the night before. You swipe up and answer the call. You press the phone to your ear as you listen intently.

" Is this (y/n) Nekomata," Asked a somewhat nervous voice from the other side of the phone.

" Yup!" you reply cheerfully. " Is this Takeda-kun?"

" Uh, yes!" The voice responded.

" Are you asking to arrange a practice match between karasuno and Nekoma next weekend," you ask as you take a seat on your desk.

" Ah, yes I am," He responded. " Does that work with your team?"

" Of course. We will be there next weekend," you reply.

" Thank you so much, Nekomata-san!" he said excitedly.

" My pleasure. It's always fun to see the crows fly," you reply.

" Hope you have a great day! Goodbye," Takeda said.

You said your goodbye and hung up. Grinning you grab your duffle bag and leave the classroom. You quickly change and head out onto the court where you looked at your team, grinning. They were already stretching and warming up for practice as you beamed down at them.

" What's up sen-sei?" Yamoto asked as he stretched out his arms.

" I've scheduled another practice match with Karasuno. We are able to fit it in before the interhighs. It will take place next weekend so I want you all to be working your butts off before we leave."

" Another practice match? SIC!" He said energetically pumping his fist in the air. " I can show Tanaka who really aces the court."

You rolled your eyes at him and the rest of the team began to talk excitedly.

" Don't get to excited, you still have a lot of work to be doing. So get off your butts and start running!" You shout at them.

They all stop their stretches and conversations, halved surprised but they all jogged out of the gym. You smirked and crossed your arms. There was no way you were going to let Karasuno beat you.


~Time Skip~

<Next Weekend>

You loaded up the last of the bags with a sigh and wiped your brow. You closed the trunk of the bus and got in. Naoi was driving, which you were immensely thankful for, since you hated driving long distances. You took a seat next to him up front and buckled up. Before he started the bus you glanced behind you to check on the boys who looked riled up. You smiled at them and turned back around to face the road.

" Alright, we already," you ask him.

He nods and starts up the van. You yawn and stretch out your arms. It was an exhausting morning of making sure everyone was ready. You were ready to get to Miyagi and see Ukai and the Karasuno team. You pulled out your phone and put your headphones in. You began to listen to music from some of your favorite animes, while you scrolled through your messages. You hesitated for a moment before clicking on Ukai's with a smile.

Keishin Ukai

We are leaving Tokyo now. You guys better get your A game on for tomorrow.

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