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Hey guys so I've been thinking about this story and I'm not sure if I will continue it. I have a plot and everything but I just can't bring myself to write it anymore. I've lost interest and have moved onto other fandoms and simps (don't get me started on Connor 🙄). If I ever do get around to it I will post it but for now I'm not very hopeful. I am sorry but maybe over thanksgiving break I will write the eleventh chapter. Once again I want to focus the time I do have that I don't spend on school in writing my real story and my Connor fanfic as well as focusing on the YouTube channel I am working on to make. I also really want to improve my art so I focus a ton of time into that. I am also working hard to get better at soccer and my instrument. If you guys ever want to just chat or ask me smthn feel free to dm. For now hej då. ((I'm not permanently gone so don't go crazy in the comments. Don't act like I don't see them))

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