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Summer has always been my favorite season and for good reason. School is out, girls in bikinis are in, going to the beach and swimming in the ocean, not to mention the BBQ's and ice cream... all of these things are what I love about summer. This summer will be better than all the ones before. This is the last one before I go off to college and begin life in the real world. My parents have been nothing but supportive and on my eighteenth birthday, they surprised me with a tour around Europe. They told me I would become more worldly and cultured. I could taste exotic food and meet new and interesting people. They said I could learn a new language and study the different architecture and when its time to come home, I'll be begging them to stay overseas.

I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the tickets in my hand. London, Prague, Vienna, all these beautiful cities to take in and yet, I wasn't happy. Maybe initially excited until I remembered... her. Two months without seeing her or hearing her voice was enough for me to turn down the considerate gift but in the end, she was the one who convinced me to go. She told me that I would be an idiot if I didn't seize this opportunity and that she would do anything to be able to travel Europe. I offered her to come with me but I knew she would turn me down. Whenever the prospect of fun and adventure presented itself, Layla St. James would always turn it down.

I remember the first time I saw Layla. We were eight when she moved in to the house next door and I fell for her the moment I saw her long, auburn hair, smooth white skin and wide, bright eyes. Her bedroom window was across from mine and I remember watching her, thinking that she looked like a princess who needed a Prince to rescue her. I was more than happy to be that prince but I realized soon that she didn't need any rescuing. She was going to do everything on her own.

"Are you almost ready Drew?" My mother opened my door slightly and peaked inside. I was leaving for the airport soon and finishing up the last of my packing.

"Almost, mom."

"I'm proud of you son." She kissed me head. "But you need to hurry up. The plane waits for no one." She gave me a quick glance, her eyes misty, and then exited my room.

I was nearly finished when I noticed movement from outside my window. I opened the curtains to see Layla pacing up and down the sidewalk like a mad woman. The street lamp illuminated her features and I took a minute to take her all in. The sight of her made my stomach churn like it always did when she was nearby but this time I felt a sharp pang in my heart. It was hard to believe that just a few hours ago, she had broken my heart.

Her long, wavy hair fell elegantly down her back. Despite our long hours on the beach, she had still managed to keep her pale skin glowing only now it had a light, sun-kissed tan. It was nearing midnight but the air was still warm enough for her to wear a sleeveless dress and sandals. She had always been a pretty girl, but now she had grown in to a beautiful woman.

Seeing her this close without being able to hold her was more torturous than I realized so instead of finishing my packing, I shimmied down the drain pipe and out of my window to meet her. She froze in place when she saw me running towards her. Her big brown eyes widened in surprise like a deer in headlights and it made me smile. I was so used to her planning and expecting everything that it was nice to finally catch her off guard.

"Were you ever going to knock on the door or were just going to keep pacing out here like a crazy person?" I asked when I reached her.

"I was going to knock... eventually. Oh hell, who am I kidding? I was going to stay out here until your car pulled out and then run inside and watch you leave."

"Brilliant plan."

"I thought so, until you ruined it by coming out here."

"I wasn't going to. I was going to let you drive yourself insane. Why are you out here?"

Her hands fumbled nervously at her side. "I wanted to say goodbye."

"You already said goodbye."

"Not the way I wanted to."

"So you weren't going to break up with me?" A glimmer of hope came through in my tone but was quickly deflated when she looked away. "I see. Well have a nice summer."

"Drew! Please, stop. It doesn't make sense for us to be together. You're going off to Europe. You get to experience life."

"I wanted to experience life with you!" I said in my loudest whisper. I was angry but not enough to wake up the whole neighborhood.

"You know I can't do that. I don't want to hold you back anymore."

"How can you say that? What's the point of living if I can't live it with you? You and I shared something so special but you keep running away from me."

"Our break up was inevitable. We're going to be in college soon."

"You and I are going to the same school Layla. Nothing has to change."

"You don't understand Drew. I'm not good for you!" It was her turn to raise her voice.

I realized then that there was no changing Layla's mind. She didn't seem to understand that she wasn't holding me back, she was holding herself back. I stepped closer to her and made her look straight at me.

"I love you Layla. I wish you could see yourself through my eyes because you would know how amazing you are, but I know you well enough to know that I can't change your mind... " She let out a deep exhale when I stepped away from her. "We're not done." I told her before turning away. "I will see you in three months."

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