My Mistakes Fit In A To-Go Cup

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"Drowning, screaming, submerged I'm cursed" Evermore by Gio Navas

So that was how it was. I now have a boyfriend. My thoughts were racing and I realized I had made a huge mistake. When Shane was sober I didn't care or pay enough attention to the fact that he is a killer and a rapist. I just let him into my world like that. He has always been an important part of my life. Always! But I made the mistake of skipping ahead.

"Are you okay? You seem to be really....distracted lately.." Shane stuttered pulling the keys from the car.

"Oh food? No thanks I'm not hungry." I said opening the door.

"What?" He asked clearly confused.

Wait. Oh shit he was talking to me.....whoops.

"Sorry. I guess I zoned out." I stuttered.

We walked into my of course favorite place. Starbucks. I guess he feels bad about the whole 'I'm Shane Blossomer killer and rapist' thing, so he offered to buy me anything I want before we go to the skate rink later.

"Good morning! What can I get for you today?" Smiled the barista in a very perky attitude.

"Oh umm? What's my price range Shane?" I asked.

"Your what?" He said making his shaggy hair fall onto his face.

"Never mind. Umm just a golden cappachino please." I said to the barista.

"Coming right up! Oh and you sir look very familiar. Could I perhaps know you from somewhere?" She asked frowning.

"No! I....I-I mean no I don't think so..." Shane staggered.

What? He said that much to quickly.....what's that girl know about Shane?

"Wait. But your? Oh my god!" She shrieked.

Luckily not loud enough for the whole place to hear. I shuddered and Shane grabbed my hand and pulled me to a table.

The barista regained control and snatched and cup and made the magic of coffee.

"What the fuck Shane? Nearly pulled my arm out of the socket!" I said.

"I just.....never mind." He stuttered staring at the table.

Oh my god. Now it makes sense. The lady! The barista! She....she....she....

"Shane." I whispered.

"What?" He said nervously.

"Umm....nothing. I'm gonna go get my drink..." I mumbled walking towards the counter.

I looked up at the barista. She gave me a shy smile and tossed her red curly hair to the side.

"So uh your friend over there... Whats his name?" She asked placing a lid on my drink.

"Shane." I didn't dare say his last name.

"Shane as in... Shane blossomer?" She raised her eyebrow.

"N-no. W-why would you think that?" I asked stuttering.

"Right my bad." She looked down sliding the drink to me. "Well here's my number. Do you mind meeting me here tomorrow at 8:45am?"

"Oh. Yeah sure I guess..." I said making my way back to the booth.

"Oh and my names Destiny."She called after me.

"Hey umm I got to go.. see you tomorrow later babe." Shane said placing a kiss on my cheek and exiting the coffee place.

"Where you going? I thought we were going skating later?" I asked following him out the door.

"Nowhere. Just forget it ok?" He slurred.

He seems to act so different lately. I don't know why. Just nervous like.

"Hey." I say placing my hand on his cheek. "I trust you. I know you wouldn't keep lies from me."

"Yeah. I'm sorry I've been really, weird lately. I've just had a lot on my mind." He said smiling. That real smile.

I really want to kiss him.....please kiss me Shane.....please?

At that moment my wish was granted and Shane and I were inhanced in a very intense make-out session. Yup in a parking lot. How romantic.


I woke up to the smell of hazelnut coffee. Yay! I leaped out of bed and practically leaped down the stairs to my doom.

No, not as in I fell down, but saw Susan and my dad slurping down coffee through a straw. No not seperatly, but sharing a cup. Yep. They were sharing a cup of coffee through a straw. Oh. My. God.

I quickly dashed back to my room to get dressed. I remembered that the barista wanted to talk to me. I guess she might want some friends. I don't know.

A pair of sweatpants and a T-shirt later I'm in my car and ready to go see Destiny.


I don't get it? Its 9:00am and she's not here! Hmm, maybe I should try calling her. After all she gave me her number for a reason. After the first try nothing. I tried again. Nothing. Again. Nothing.

Nothing. Just voice mail.

"Umm excuse me? Do you know where Destiny is?" I asked a man behind the cash register.

"Ugh I wish! She didn't show up to work this morning and she won't answer my calls or texts!" He snapped.

"Oh. Thanks." I groaned.

Where could she be? Maybe I can call Shane and see if we can go skating. It rings. Nothing.

My phone buzzes. I answer as soon as possible.

"Hello." My voice breaks.

"Its me. Destiny......"

"Where are you?" I ask.

"Can you help me?" She whispered.

"Destiny? Are you crying. Tell me where you are? Are you in danger?" My heart started thumping.

"I-im at.... Shane's apartment." She sobbed.



Well your welcome people! This is brought to you by raspberry_cola_x filling in for districthalfblood because of her grandfathers death. May he rest in peace. †

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My Secrets Fit In A To Go Cup -BOOK ONE-Where stories live. Discover now